I played the 'into the maw' adventure and when we got to the surprise attack by the raiders one of them closed in rather quickly, im not a new GM but im new to rogue trader, when i tried to launch a hit and run attack against my players ship i quickly found out that any hit and run attempt i could run would end up in failure because of their turret rating of 4 was able to cancel out the competent crew of the raiding ship (30 skills characteristic).
Then to make matters worse the groups rogue trader with a fellowship of 50 decided to launch his own counter attack on the raider using his murder servitors and a teleportarium which combined with the bonus he gets on his command test just for assaulting another ship he had in total an effective fellowship of 100 to test against ensuring his victory. i made him test anyway just so i could see by how many degrees he won by, but does anyone else thing there is something wrong with being able to do that, unless i can fit every other ship with a tenebro maze or beef up the crew to ridiculous strengths anything i throw at them will be annihilated in hit and run attacks, unless i sent in large groups but that would just be unrealistic and unfair. Has anyone else had this problem? How would you solve it without just shamelessly overpowering enemy ships, i could just have long range weapons but they could just charge in and perform hit and run attacks.