I am finally taking a step out from behind the screen and the man stepping behind it has selected Force and Destiny as our next gaming experience. This is our group’s first foray into a narrative dice game. We have many years of various D&D and Travellers editions as well as short stints of other RPGs including SWSE under our collective belts.
As a first pass for a character I am thinking of a Iktotchi Soresu Defender whose mother was a padawan whose master sacrificed himself to save her from Order 66. She went underground eventually having a child. Knowing that they would always be pursued she instructed her son some of the basics of the force when he was old enough to defend himself. However, as she was just a padawan herself her instruction was not always complete or necessarily accurate. She has now gone missing and this is the motivation for our young lad to venture out into the wider galaxy to find her. This is just a first pass and subject to change to fit in better with the other characters and the GM’s storyline.
Anyway enough back story and onto the crunch and the questions…
Ideally I’d like to go 2 3 4 2 3 1 for my characteristics. However, this takes all of my starting XP. So I am presented with several options and wanted to know what people thought was the best.
1. I could go with these and accept that I won’t have Soresu Technique until after the first session.
2. I could drop my agility by one. Con: I would like to build towards a Double Bladed Lightsaber this wouldn’t work, but until I have Ebb/Flow and/or Iron Soul I’d probably be dedicating a lot of Advantage to Strain recovery anyway.
3. Drop Intelligence by one. Con: Intelligence is my main attack stat and covers a lot of skills and my out of combat utility.
4. Drop Willpower by one. Con: Willpower seems super important in this game.
5. Go with 4 3 2 2 3 1. Pro: Increases my soak and wound threshold. Save me experience by not taking certain talents. Defensive Circle and Strategic Form are nice but a little niche. Con: Almost no out of combat utility. Not really going to be able to build my own lightsaber or mod one much.
6. I could go with Polis Massan. Con: Low Soak and Wound Threshhold. Something about this just feels a little too power game-y for me. However, doing a back story that connects me to Obi-Wan and the birth of Luke and Leia could be interesting.
So what do people think of these options?
I’d also like to ask more experienced people their thoughts on talent progression. I was thinking of running down Soresu for Improved Parry/Reflect and Dedication. (Parry/Soresu Terchnique/Reflect/Improve Parry/Reflect/Reflect/Improved Reflect/Dedication). After that a lot of possibilities open up.
1. I could fill out more of the Soresu Tree.
2. I could grab 20 points in Ebb/Flow
3. I could grab 40 points to Strength in Sense
4. I could add a Second Talent Tree. I love the flavor and the mechanics of both Ascetic and Hermit. But I don’t know how usable an Animal Companion will be in this Campaign. Additionally, Animal Bond would be better after FR2. Iron Souls requirement of 2 encumberance would be tough especially with a double bladed lightsaber but with high intelligience and making my own I can likely lower its encumberance.
5. Adding points to Lightsaber skill would also be a good idea at some point.
Thank you for your time and your opinions.
P.S. One last question. A search on the topic has revealed that as of a year or two ago the developers were looking into giving an official ruling on whether Defensive/Deflection stack with Defense since by RAW they say “increases.” Has that official ruling ever been released?