Question regarding collecting card game...?!?

By meggypeggs, in Call of Cthulhu LCG

I enjoy playing the LCG's already (Invasion) and would like to get into CoC.

Is there anywhere I can purchase the core set along with every (just the 1 copy) expansion in one go (within the UK if possible) as also I am hoping there may be a little reduction for purchasing everything?

Are there any expansions that are out of product?

if someone would clear this up I would be very gratefull...thanks all.

You should be able to order the core set and any expansions through your local game shop, all in one go.

The only problem you may have is getting a hold of some of the older asylum packs, as about a half a dozen of them are out of stock. But, this site does list the known out of stock products as being in the pipeline for a reprint, so in a few months you should see them all hitting the store shelves again. A tad bit annoying to have to wait for them, but at least you know they are going to be available again.

meggypeggs said:

I enjoy playing the LCG's already (Invasion) and would like to get into CoC.

Is there anywhere I can purchase the core set along with every (just the 1 copy) expansion in one go (within the UK if possible) as also I am hoping there may be a little reduction for purchasing everything?

Are there any expansions that are out of product?

if someone would clear this up I would be very gratefull...thanks all.

I think many internet shops offer some sort of reduction on big orders. Infinity Games, for example, gives a 3% discount on orders over £50 and 6% over £100. Alternatively, go through the invidual Asylum Packs on and find the cheapest seller for each. That might actually work out cheaper in the end overall. Of the LCG Asylum Packs Ancient Horrors and The Mountain of Madness seem to be out of print, but can still be obtained as many sellers have them lying around. I bought Ancient Horrors about a week ago.

Are you in London? If so, there's a meetup group called 'London on Board' which meets up every week. I plan to go there to play CoC, and apparently their organiser has an internet shop which offers a discount for members.