8 hours ago, Mep said:
@Kieransi They actually gave a link in the main article, easy to miss though. https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/news/2017/2/28/there-has-been-an-awakening-1/
Alright. There’s actually no “link” in that article, but they do talk about printing schedule. I think the wording of this article was odd and confused everyone, but I don’t think they’re talking about rotation - they seem to be talking about the printing schedule and when things will and won’t be available in stores. I don’t see anything talking about an actual rotation in the article.
“ Base sets will remain in print as much as possible for one year, after which they will be replaced by a new base set.”
I don’t think this means rotation, I think it means it’s replacing them on the shelves of stores. Chalk another one up to FFG not understanding how CCGs work...