Void Points

By Mirith, in Balance Issues

4 hours ago, WHW said:

From playtesting, it seems the most efficient and fun way to gain Void Points is to invert Advantages into Anxieties and gain VP from the act of inverting.

You meaning like Allies needing favors from you, a Blissful Betrothal requiring that you regularly send gifts to your beloved, Dangerous Allure attracting unwanted suitors, being Famously Lucky getting you thrown out of gambling dens, people trying to sell you weird things because you are Famously Wealthy, getting distracted by your passion for Armaments when you see the work of a famous smith, you can't help but spread rumors if you are a Gossip, your Ikebana getting wrecked by others, people you have previously Playfully pranked or intentional Provoked coming back with a vengeance and your love of Saki leaving you drunk/hungover at inopportune times?

I'm not a fan of void points as a system. Void points could have easily been another die type that is beneficial and things that require void points could be limited another way.

4 hours ago, SideshowLucifer said:

I'm not a fan of void points as a system. Void points could have easily been another die type that is beneficial and things that require void points could be limited another way.

prior L5R has had in every edition some abilities triggered by spending void. And VP in 3E had LOTS of uses, but recovered slowly. Slowly enough to send even the Bushi to the kami shrine on a regular basis, and the ancestor shrine nightly.... a 15 void/Meditation recovering 1 VP was well worth the enforced downtime... and that had other story consequences more than once...

They are an inherited element from prior, and do the same kinds of things they always did...

Wasn't a fan of them then, and still not.

On 10/6/2017 at 1:42 PM, Mirith said:

I am pondering a Tea Ceremony Ritual that lets people gain a void point. I think Meditation should have it to as a technique somehow, and rituals seems a good place for it, since everyone has access to them and they are intended for narrative scenes.

Strongly considering this for my online court game. Have you written one up/tried one? What kind of impact did it have on the game?

2 hours ago, Doji Meshou said:

Strongly considering this for my online court game. Have you written one up/tried one? What kind of impact did it have on the game?

I have not gotten a chance to play the game yet sadly.

Probably, something like Roll some etiquette+Void skill (I don't have the book with me right now so I can't say which skill exactly), TN being the number of participants (Or participants + 1, participants includes the performing character). Takes 30 minutes. Each participant gains a void point. 1+ Opportunity, Each participating loses 2 strife per opportunity, 2 Opportunity, each participant gains an additional void point.

3 hours ago, Mirith said:

I have not gotten a chance to play the game yet sadly.

Probably, something like Roll some etiquette+Void skill (I don't have the book with me right now so I can't say which skill exactly), TN being the number of participants (Or participants + 1, participants includes the performing character). Takes 30 minutes. Each participant gains a void point. 1+ Opportunity, Each participating loses 2 strife per opportunity, 2 Opportunity, each participant gains an additional void point.

Here's what I've ginned up (keep in mind that the game in question is online and ongoing, so "once per week" is roughly the same rate as "once per session" for a tabletop campaign):

The Way of Tea

Description: The courtier performs the tea ceremony with grace and care, warming the soul as tea warms the body.

Prerequisites: School rank 1

Activation: Once per week, you may perform the tea ceremony, either during or as a Downtime Action directly before a GM-run scene. Make a Performance (Void) check, targeting up to (School Rank + 2) participants. The TN is equal to the number of participants, including yourself.

Effects: I f you succeed, each participant gains 1 Void Point. Opportunities may be spent to grant additional Void Points to participant at a rate of 1 Opportunity/1 Void Point. Characters may not benefit from The Way of Tea more than once per week. Void Points gained from The Way of Tea are temporary; if unspent, they are removed from the participants at the end of the scene.

/reads thread and takes notes

The main problem with separating Ninjo and Giri from Honor and Glory is that they interact more with the Strife system. Refraining from your Ninjo or defying your Giri give you Strife, which can quickly lead to an Outburst. While I do have some thoughts on how Outbursts should work, I do think that a player should be put in the situation to make Meaningful Choices for their character. As such, how does this sound?

Gaining Void Points - Ninjo and Giri
Once per session, when a character is confronted with an opportunity to indulge their Ninjo at some personal risk, they may choose. If the character gives in to their human desire, they gain 1 Void Point as they center themselves with the release. If they refrain from indulging their Ninjo, they instead gain Honor equal to their Void Ring as their connection to the greater world reaffirms their virtue.
Once per session, when a character is confronted with a situation to fulfill their Giri at some personal risk, they may choose. If the character defies their Giri, they gain 1 Void Point as they gain certainty in their course of action. If they conform to their Giri, they instead gain Honor equal to their Void Ring as their sense of duty reaffirms their virtue and they steel themselves for the coming danger.

In addition to this, the characters who show up on the Discord Track should start the session with a bonus Void Point if you are using them.

This way, rather than interacting with the Strife system (which already has a lot of mechanics tied to it; if I'm a Rank 6 Ikoma, I should defy both my Ninjo and Giri constantly, and dump that strife on people I don't like!), this makes the struggle of the Ninjo and Giri tied to a character's internal Honor and their Void. The risk in both of these cases needs to be personal and direct, however. Taking bets you know you can't pay when gambling would be appropriate, but deciding to skip dinner to play with your garden and "make the world filled with beauty" is not.

Are you guys looking at this from a player view or a GM view.

As a player you want all the void ya can get your grubby little hands on but that is normal cause ya want to have your safety nets.

Gm view hmm how will I make this interesting if they have 5 void points all the time(and remember void is powerful in this game much more than 4e see page 21)

example the sword of doom is about to crit you and you sacrifice your void point to parry the in coming attack with your wakizashi (reducing the damage to 4 and the critical strike to 4 in heavy armor that's 0 damage and a slight crit

that's a lot better than -10 wounds form 4e)

but your forgetting the GM tool to give people void points when ever he wants to ha can just conceal a TN and poff you have a void point nice handy tool for a gm also if you have all your void points you can hold he can just keep them all concealed till you spend a void point so he has good control over how many void points you can gain and you have control over how quickly you spend them so it becomes the GM and luck that makes your void points flow and how you spend them might make the gm more or less willing to hide TNs so you can have void points.
so the GM has a mechanic to simply give you void points when ever he feels like it and it;s up to you to spend them with caution cause he might get stingy at the wrong moment (and personally if I hide a TN on something it's probably for a good reason ) and remember you can not get more void points than your void ring and I think the highest starting void ring before exp is 2 so till your a view games in unless you spend exp right off on void you will only have 1-2 so it's no big deal