Anyone going to the Realms of Terrinoth event...

By DandGeezer, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I already have the minis for the 4 promo figures, but would LOVE the Runewars cards for them! If you will be going and getting them in your goodie bag, let me know if it would be possible for me to acquire them from you (only need the cards; not the figures!)


The Runebound cards came with the figs, at least when I bought them they did. Did you not get them?


This is why similar products should NOT have similar-sounding names.

Runebound, Runewars. It's all relative. ^_^

shnar said:

The Runebound cards came with the figs, at least when I bought them they did. Did you not get them?


I did indeed gett hem (and passed them on to a Runebound owner for free!) It is, after all, the RuneWARS cards I would like to have... ;)

Ah, sorry, misread that :P

Did they make Runewars cards for these guys already? I have a feeling they haven't yet...


They are giving them away at the Terrinoth event (along with the figures and the other cards)...