Strike with No Thought (Rank 6 Mastery Ability) Activation: Once per scene, as an Attack action, you may make a Martial Arts [Melee] (Void) check targeting one character at range 2–4 using a sheathed katana or wakizashi. The TN of this check is equal to your target’s vigilance. Effect: You immediately move to range 1 of your target. If you succeed, your target suffers a critical strike with a severity equal to the deadliness of your weapon plus your bonus successes. +: One character of your choice at range 0–2 of your target per spent this way suffers the Dazed and Disoriented conditions.
Range 4 represents the midrange for missile weapons like bows—a dozen to a hundred meters. Generally speaking, this range coincides with the edge of earshot for most characters.
One action to move 100 meters doesnt make sense