Interdictor. Which one is correct?

By zsavk, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

The following questions pertain to the module "Onslaught at Arda I" It contains spoilers.


I am running my PCs through Onslaught at Arda I. They are just getting ready to start chapter III. There is a chance of running afoul of an Interdictor Cruiser. I noticed the stats in OaAI are vastly different than the ones is the core rulebook... Anyone have any insight on that? Is it an error? Which stat block do you think is more accurate? I am leaning towards using the Core rulebook stats.

Checked it for you, and the confusion is that there are two Interdictor-class ships in the Imperial Navy.

The one in the Core Rulebook is the Interdictor-class heavy cruiser , also known as the Immobilizer 418 cruiser. The one in Onslaught at Arda I is the Interdictor-class Star Destroyer , a variant of the Imperial I-class.

Edited by satkaz

Thanks very much satkaz! Went and did some digging based on your findings. I have been using the 418 since West End days and never even realized there were variants. Really cool!

Did they make the change to fit Rebels continuity? I remember the Interdictor from early WEG days, and got excited when I saw its use in Rebels , but I remember thinking: "Hey...that's waaaaay bigger than the original Interdictor ! That's like Star Destroyer size!"

I'm pretty sure that both classes are pre-Rebels. The Immoblizer 418 goes back to the early WEG games and I could swear that the Interdictor Star Destroyer was in the X-Wing comics.

So, am I alone in the assessment that basically any vessel with the telltale "globes" would be classified as an "Interdictor", based on its function more than class?

After all, the EU had multiple vessels with their own classification (the aforementioned Immobilizer/Vindicator and modified ISDs) and the canon empire might just do the same.

No you aren't. And so far there are at least three , I believe four canon Interdictor classes all shown in use by the Imperial fleet. I think the Interdictor Star Destroyer were mentioned in Heir to the Jedi and both the Corellian CC-2200 Interdictor Cruisers and CC-7700 Interdictor Frigates were in the Tarkin novel

5 hours ago, DampfGecko said:

So, am I alone in the assessment that basically any vessel with the telltale "globes" would be classified as an "Interdictor", based on its function more than class?

No, that's basically right. Any ship capable of setting up a hyperspace interdiction field is, colloquially, an "Interdictor". Much like any large dagger-shaped vessel is a "Star Destroyer", even though they come in a range of sizes and classes.

6 hours ago, TheLonelySandPerson said:

No, that's basically right. Any ship capable of setting up a hyperspace interdiction field is, colloquially, an "Interdictor". Much like any large dagger-shaped vessel is a "Star Destroyer", even though they come in a range of sizes and classes.

Colloquially, sure. What I wonder is if that would also be a formal distinction. For example, an Interdictor Star Destroyer would be a similar case as a Missile Frigate or Escort Carrier in real life- a description of function as well as hinting at size and deployment in the name, giving, for example, the specific class of the Immobilizer 418- class the distinction of an "Interdictor Cruiser".

Well, Wookieepedia gives the standard IC the title of " Immobilizer 418 cruiser", so I doubt it. It's a system that can be equipped on a variety of ship types for a variety of purposes. I would compare it to the way real-world ships can be equipped as a minelayer or a seaplane tender, which are official jobs, without changing their basic designation.

Edited by TheLonelySandPerson