Reach Weapons

By pointyman2000, in Balance Issues

Hi guys,

I've tried to take the system for combat out for a spin using a Rank 1 Shiba Bushi vs an Experienced Bandit:

I realize that reach weapons like Naginata could benefit from having a rule that impacts their usability in sub-optimal ranges. In this case, the Shiba was using a Naginata, and could still fight fairly well against the Bandit despite the bandit being in Range 0-1. Perhaps as a means to offset the Naginata's increased reach, fighting with a polearm vs someone else in very close melee range incurs a +1TN penalty to hit?

Well I couldn't find in your example how the Shiba was attacking at a range of 1 with a naginata. He has to be at range 2 to attack with it. You also forgot the Dazed effect in round one of the combat that the bandit inflicted.

Sorry, disoriented effect.

Edited by SideshowLucifer

Hmm... this is what I get for reading the rulebook at 1am. Thanks for letting me know!