
By chiller087, in Strategy and deck-building

I'm absolutely determined to make a deck using the heroes in the title. I'm thinking I don't want two heroes that require resources to use their abilities, so that rules out LeAragorn. TAragorn doesn't offer much for what I'm trying to do, so that leaves Lore.

This deck is meant to be paired with my wife's Sam/TMerry/Pippin deck through the Saga Campaign. I wanted to provide a solid defender (especially in the early game), but also sticking fairly well to theme. (Mostly we just thought it'd be really nice to more or less recreate the actual story.) Her Hobbit deck wants to engage, engage, engage but doesn't defend well in the early game.

I know cards like Elven-light, A Test of Courage, Steward of Gondor, Unlikely Friendship and Dwarven Shield will be auto-includes, and I want Ioreth to help keep Gimli Healthy, but can anyone think of good allies to add to a deck like this?

Edited by chiller087

Theme consideration aside, there's some "staple" allies that are going to be worth the cost -- Errand-Rider is very cheap, excellent for smoothing and can chump block in a pinch. Gleowine is a bargain and so is Quickbeam in Lore. Arwen Undomiel is fantastic for the price and can help out Gimli. Core Gandalf is always good, but especially good with sneak attack. Treebeard is awesome, and Envoy of Pelargir is net one with a little bit of smoothing.

With the other deck always wanting to engage, ranged help for Legolas wouldn't be a bad thing. Greenwood Archer is a good choice, providing 2 ranged attack for 2 leadership resources. Beyond that, you need solid and affordable questers, of which there are many options.

I recently made a deck with Loragorn and Le Gimli, but it had Ta Legolas instead of spirit. I published it on RingsDB here , but I've revised the deck list a little bit since then, here's the current one that has been pretty effective:


The deck can't reasonably take Spirit Legolas and remain the same. But if you're good with Tactics Legolas, you could drop Palantir if that's not your thing, and just have Legolas commit to the quest, or give him some other reason to exhaust before combat (Hands Upon the Bow is the only one that really comes to mind).