Rolling up my first character

By Moes1980, in Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game Beta

So, first a disclaimer: I have no experience with previous editions of the RPG, and pretty limited experience with the card game (I do have plenty of experience with a bunch of other rpgs, though).

So, I downloaded the document and was very excited after reading the intro. It is obvious this is not going to be your 1970's dungeon crawl hack n' slash, which is a nice change of pace. The idea that our characters are conflicted between their internal desires and their socially prescribed duties while trying to accomplish various missions sounds really intriguing, and I am all on board for test-running this system.

So, I made a character by following the 20 questions chapter. I really like this approach to character creation. It felt so much more like making a character for a novel rather than a bunch of math and chart references. I ignored the mechanical stuff and made all my choices based on what sounded like a cool narrative background and, I have to say, I am pretty happy with the end result both in story and in stats.

Oh, I also want to add that I really like how the families reflect the different card types.

The dice mechanic looks really cool too. Limiting how many dice you can keep should help keep down power inflation, and the fact that you have to make choices about how much you want to succeed at the cost of internal strife sounds really neat. This should be more fun that just rolling dice and having your fate completely in the hands of random chance. Instead, you get some choice in how to deal with the hand that fate deals to you, which should be really neat.

The layout of the rules is pretty good too, with page numbers to help reference things. The only thing I couldn't find was what school rank I start out at. I assume its one, but then I also received a technique that I am not supposed to have until I have 2 ranks in my school, so I am not sure how to address that. Maybe it is a typo? Anyway, really looking forward to this!

It states in the Character creation rule if you get a technique that you do not have the prerequisites for ignore the prerequisites.