Mass Battles - use of "routed" confusing?

By player2885333, in Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game Beta

In the Mass Battles section on pp. 172–177, and especially in the "Resolution" sub-section on p. 176, I'm a bit confused by the use of "routed" to describe an army which suffers casualties exceeding its strength. In most sources, an army which is "routed" is one which is dispersed and put to flight, fleeing wildly, rather than one which is cut to pieces on the field; as such, it seems the term would be better used to describe an army whose panic exceeds its discipline.

I'd suggest "destroyed" to describe the casualties > strength outcome, and move "routed" to describe the panic > discipline outcome. Unless there's some history of using the term this way from older editions of the RPG? (I haven't played previous editions, so may be clueless here.)

A true samurai is only routed when he's dead!

Rout/routed can mean "any overwhelming defeat."