Founding an Imperial colony

By Jarrion_Zukov, in Rogue Trader

If you where given the opportunity to found a colony in the Emperor"s name. what system would you choose? what would it be purposed for?

the decision is up to you

A mining world. because the rich resources make my dynasty rich and it will bring money for century`s. This money is needed for further expeditions and more expansations in the name of the Emperor!

I'd throw a colony onto every **** world I could find!

As for what you come back to... It really depends on the strengths and weaknesses of your house. I'm a big fan of a creating a supply base - Ag world that can also be used as a light manufacturing base and recruit training facility.

Interesting question...You'd need a mix of profit factor, sustainability, accessibility and defensibility.

Given that there are at least 499 other Rogue Traders tooling around the Koronus expanse, together with Ork pirates, Eldar corsairs, Slaugth etc, you can bet that the minute you leave colonists behind on a world, they'll be vulnerable to all of these potential threats. Given that journeys around the expanse can take months, the fear would always be that you'd return to your colony to find it either conquered by a rival dynasty or that everyone on it has vanished mysteriously (like in the movie Aliens.)

1. Profit factor. Unless conquest of a world is a vanity exercise for your rogue trader, there's no point conquering a world that's going to be a drain on your resources.

2. Sustainability. A mining world that produces diamonds the size of melons is all well and good, but there's always going to be problems mining on a world with no atmosphere. You'd have to run the risk of outlaying more on precious mining resources, vac suits for everyone on the colony etc etc. Such a massivve outlay may render the colony unsustainable... To some extent the colony has to be able to feed itself and look after itself for months or years at a time, tricky on a world that's basically just a rock.

3. Accessibility. If the colony is incredibly risky to reach (say you have to run the gauntlet of two warp storms and an Ork empire) then you're going to struggle bringing the fruits of the colony (and thus profit) back to the Imperium. This could be alleviated by having a world close to a minor Rogue Trader Empire, like Winterscale's realm, but you'd need to sustain good diplomatic relationships with them. The ideal colony world is close enough to stable warp routes to the Imperium to make trade easy, but far enough out to deter rival Rogue Traders...

4. Defensibility. There are enough threats in the Koronus expanse to make it important to be able to defend your world. This can run from orbital satellite defence stystems and system ships to hills your colonists can run to when it all hits the fan. Obviously, this is linked to the other factors above, as the best defence is the availability of allies in the form of the Rogue Trader himself. A world with no atmosphere, one sealed base and no orbital defences is hideously vulnerable to attack...

An agri-world

Assuming an existing bosphere, they're cheap to set up, easy to defend (the colonist hide in the mountains in the even of an attack) and produce long term profits. They're not particularly exciting as they don't generate massive revenue's until the region becomes well developed with several mining worlds and hive worlds where they suddenly become very powerful, yet easier to defend (as others do the work, and rely on you too much to allow the apple cart to be upset). Long term gain, little pain.

A primitive feudal world with a plentiful supply of raw labour and worshipful souls.

What's with all this "Building" nonsense? All you need is a thousand guys with las guns and a missionary. Voila, instant colony.

Rain... twice. Because the third time's always a charm.

Either an agriworld or a paradise world.

Agriworlds are cheap to set up, and always in demand. Paradise worlds are a pipeline of raw cash from worlds you otherwise would have trouble tapping financially. After all, you get their fare there, you get a percentage of every throne they spend, and you get thier fare back. Throw in legalized gambling, and it's like being able to tax the rich without all the bitching!

If you could take a bunch of missionaries to a feral world and convert it into an agriworld - you'd have supplies and lots of madmen to recruit from?