Star Wars Clone Wars: Cyclone Squad IC

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

The engineering supervisor would nod impressively as he circles the walker slowly. As he does he would raise his voice so the cadet can hear him. 'Yeah, you know this walker was one of the first ones dropped into Geonosis? Served it's crew well till the Geonosians cracked open the cockpit like an egg shell and butchered the crew'. He'd pause in his walk, frowning slightly. 'I probably shouldn't have told you that'.

He'd shrug, finishing his round at the front of the walker. He'd gesture with his datapad up to a faded piece of graffiti near the back of the cockpit. 'Looks like the old crew marked this one up'. A closer look at the artwork would show an image of a meteor striking a planet. It was cracked and most of it was missing, but you could just still make out what it may have looked like in its relative youth.

'Well, looks like you're just about out of time eh? Better start it up, see how it runs'.

Back in the medi-bay, the Kaminoan would nod her head slowly as she makes some more notes on her pad. 'Congratulations cadets, with further practice, you will be a talented medic'.

She would stride elegantly towards a door at the back of the room, opposite the one the cadet had entered through. She would gesture without looking back for him to follow. She would pause at one side of the doorway, turning to face Doc.

'Unfortunately cadet, your training for today is not over yet, and I warn you, this may test you more than expected'. Gesturing to the door she would continue. 'In this next room is a squad of cadets. One of their members was recently issued to the emergency ward due to an incident in a live fire exercise'.

She would sigh, shaking her head. She would compose herself once more before continuing. 'Tragically, he lost his life today'. She would hold the data pad out for Doc to take as she speaks. 'As a medic in the field, you are not only responsible for a soldiers life, but also for those they leave behind. I am sorry to say it is your duty now to break the news to his squad mates. The details of the cadet are all on the datapad'. She'd pause again before speaking in a low voice. 'It is a difficult task, but one you must carry out. Good luck'.

The pad would show an image of the cadet with his name and number next to it. CT-1790, Widget. He died from severe trauma when a cadet in a different squad tripped, discharging his rifle by accident. Widget took blaster fire to the chest and neck. A number of vital organs were punctured, as well as his windpipe. The doctors thought he had stabilized before he died of shock completely unexpectedly'.

Buzzard would stagger back in surprise from the attack. He would let his arms drop to his side as he glances across to Swat. Behind the phase 1 clone armour his expression was unreadable.

Swat would laugh, shrugging his shoulders. 'Time to prove yourself Buzzard, you can take them both on!'

Buzzard would shrug in turn, bringing both of his sticks up, ready to parry oncoming attacks. 'Alright then' he'd growl in a deep voice. 'Let's do this you two'.

Anler steps back. "That hardly seems sporting," he says. "I just thought you might want to spar with someone who's had actual training."

Swat would pause for a moment before gesturing to a second clone. 'Splat, jump in'. Swat would turn to talk to the Padawan. 'Alright, two versus two seems fairer'.

'Aright boss' Splat would say as he swaggers across to the rack of training weapons. After a few moments of thought he would select what looked like a quarter staff. With weapon in hand he would move onto the mat. 'I think that makes things a bit fairer' he'd declare cheerily.

"Understood, ma'am." Doc said. "I'll break the news to them."

Doc walked towards the door and took a deep breath. This would be painful, yes. But there would always be one to tell the bad news.

He sighed and walked into the room. As he saw Widget's squad stand up to hear the news, Doc started talking slowly and surely.

"I'm sorry...Widget didn't make it. If you have any questions, go ahead and ask. I will answer to the best of my ability."

Tannen picks up the stick, and tries again but is much too slow. His attack looks half-hearted at best.

attack with aim : 3eA+1eD+1eB+1eC 3 failures, 1 advantage

a-a.png a-a.png a--.png d-f-th.png b--.png c-f-f.png

maneuver to pick it up, maneuver to aim (2 strain), action to attack

Edited by dfn

CT-2112 makes note of the spray on the walker, head tilting a little in consideration of that. He sighs, annoyed that he didn't complete the repairs fully, but shrugs and heads for the controls. He starts up the walker, seeing if it's able to maintain power in it's current state.

There would be four cadets waiting in the quiet room when Doc walks in. There was only a few chairs and a table left, not that much use was being made of them. One was pacing around the room, another was slumped against the wall while the other two were stood near the door.

As the news was broken, the tension in the room could be cut with a knife. One of the cadets by the door would step forwards to approach Doc. In a quiet voice he would ask 'did he suffer?'

Back in the sparring room, the two clone combatants would glance at each other. With a barely perceptible nod Buzzard would duck under his partners reach to dice for Anler. Now using both of the short sticks in his hand he goes in with a flurry strikes. Each time the padawan is able to block an attack, he is forced to parry another immediately after. It is clear that Buzzard is well trained. The attacks are well spread out, really making Anler work on his defense. Despite his best efforts though, he is unable to break the defense, and the aggressive combat style left him open to attack.

While this happens splat would twist around to attack Tannen. Leaping into the air he would go for the young man with a very flamboyant overhead strike. Despite the clone perhaps showing off a bit, it seems to work. The attack staggers his target while Splat keeps him at range with the length of the staff. The clones extended range was going to make it difficult for Tanner to get anywhere near him. It was interesting to see two clones use such different styles of fighting, at least for an outside observer. However it also seemed that Splat was easily distracted as he glances over his shoulder to acknowledge a few cheers from the other clones.

Back with the walker, the first attempt to start the vehicle up would be unsuccessful. The second would provide a throaty roar from the walker. It didn't sound quite right, but it was certainly working, at least for now. The supervisor would nod, an impressed look on his face. He would wave a hand telling the cadet to kill the engine before he continues talking. 'Alright, good job cadet. We'll have the crews clean it up and finish the repairs before you guys graduate'. He'd glance up at the walker again before waging the datapad at the cadet. 'You and your pilot will have to come up with a new paint job for these two. Most squads like to have some nose art on their walkers and fliers, good for moral and all that'.

Buzzard Combat Check : 2eP+1eA+2eD+1eC 2 failures, 2 threat

p--.png p--.png a-s-a.png d-f-th.png d-f-f.png c-th-th.png

Disadvantage spent to give Anler a boost on his next combat check.

Splat Combat Check : 2eP+1eA+2eD 3 successes, 2 threat, 1 Triumph
p-tr.png p-s-a.png a-s.png d-th-th.png d-th.png

Splat does 7 base damage to Tannen (not including soak), triumph spent to upgrade one of the purples for Tanners next check to a red. setback spent to give boost to Tannen.

Edited by Rabobankrider

"We treated him for multiple wounds to the chest and neck as best as we could. Despite our best efforts, shock set in and your teammate died." He couldn't have known if Widget suffered or not: shock affects people in different ways.

"Is there anything else you wish to ask?" Doc says to the group in a sad tone. He could only imagine at this moment how tough it was to lose one of your own.

Edited by satkaz

Although the attacks come in rapid succession, they do not really threaten Anler much as he can simply give up ground and concentrate on parrying as the clone works through his attacking routine. Buzzard tries to break through Anler's defenses, pushing a bit too hard. Anler sees an opening and takes it, swinging his stick hard and connecting with the clone's helmet with a resounding thump, almost dislodging the helmet from Buzzard's head and causing the clone to stumble.

"You are lucky this isn't a lightsaber, or this fight would be over," he says, his voice even as he hasn't really needed to exert himself much in the brief but intense fight.

Anler will attack again. He gets a boost from the advantage from last round, another from Buzzard's two threats and a third for spending a maneuver to aim.

Attack with boost from last round, another from clone's threats and one more for aiming : 1eA+2eP+3eB+1eD+1eC 3 successes, 3 advantage
a--.png p-s.png p-s.png b-s-a.png b-a.png b-s-a.png d--.png c-f.png

That's a hit for 7 damage, before soak. I'll use two advantages to activate Disorient, giving Buzzard a Setback to all checks for a round. The last advantage I'll use to pass a boost to the next friendly to attack.

One of the clones sat at the table to suddenly leap to his feet. Grabbing the chair he was sat on he would fling it as hard as he could across the room. It bounced off the floor before hitting the wall with a deafening clatter as it punctuates the silence.

His friend would flinch at the noise as he storms up to Doc, leaving less than an inch between them. His face was twisted in a sort of primal fury. 'Who did this, huh? Who killed Widget?' He would be practically shouting at Doc by this point.

'Hey man, just leave it alright?' the cadet by the door would say in a quiet voice.

'Shut it! We deserve to know who it was!'

"Before that, though, tell me what kind of person Widget was." Doc says to the one in front of his face. "Tell me: what did he enjoy, what did he hate? What was his goals in life? I want to know more about him first."

They were angry, frustrated, and saddened by the loss. But Doc hopes that the questions would set them back, make them think about their fallen comrade. And maybe, just maybe, they'll find the answer they seek.

The droids would scramble to mount a defense against the walkers as their numbers were torn apart by the blaster fire. As the gunfire threw sand into the air, some of the droids were partially obscured from the clones views. This gave them a valuable edge over the others as it made them harder to hit. Their own shots however did little more than shake the walkers. The AT-RT's hull was well built, and protected the clones nicely.

The second group however got a lucky shot on 6180's walker. One of the shots ricochet off the front of the walker and up into the windscreen. The glass would shatter as the shot narrowly misses taking out their driver. The others were just as ineffective as the rest. 'Why isn't this working?' one of them would wail as he lets his blaster fall to his side.

One of the walker pilots would laugh out loud at this. 'We're unstoppable on these!' he'd declare as another few droids were destroyed. This attack was taking time however, and it wouldn't be long for the droids to mount a proper defense, or call for reinforcements.

The engineer would slot his datapad into his belt as he turns to the cadet. 'Alright, so what are you thinking about custom fits for these two? You're going to need to have something planned if you want to keep your team alive in the field.

Droid Combat Check : 3eP+1eA+1eD 3 successes, 3 advantage

p-a-a.png p-s-a.png p--.png a-s-s.png d--.png Spent destiny point to upgrade check, does 12 base damage, not enough to remove first point of HT, advantage spent to give 1 ranged defense to droid squad 1 till end of their next turn.

Droid Combat Check : 2eA+2eP+1eD 3 successes, 1 Triumph
a-s.png a--.png p-s-a.png p-tr.png d-th.png Not enough damage to remove first point of HT, triumph activate critical hit, Droid Critical Hit Check : 1d100 5 , does 1 strain to the walker, +10 to the next crtical hit check.

Droid Combat Check : 2eP+2eA+1eD 5 successes, 1 advantage
p-s-s.png p-s-a.png a--.png a-s-s.png d--.png Not enough damage to remove first point of HT.

Walkers Combat Check : 3eP+1eA+1eD 4 successes, 2 threat
p--.png p-s-s.png p-s.png a-s.png d-th-th.png Does 15 damage to roid squad 2, 2 disadvantageous spent to add 1 boost to droid squad 1.

Jackpot turned his blaster on the three droid squad and fired off three blasts before ducking for cover, he looked around the corner and saw that he has dropped two of them and heavily damaged the third one.

As the ricochet fires into CT-6180's AT-RT windscreen, the clone would remember learning the vulnerabilities of the AT-RT open cockpit during his flash training. " That was a close one " he thought briefly.

Regaining his focus after hearing his squad's cheering chatter, Mynock aims his Heavy Repeating Blaster at the B1 droids. " Time to see what you can really do " the clone states as he flips on the autofire. The weaponry begins to generate an intense volley of blasterfire all across the location of the droids kicking up vast clouds of orange sand. Lost in the moment, Mynock begins to shout, " Suck plasma you small circuited, poorly engineered, good for nothing Seppie Clankers! ". Realizing the enjoyed the mechanical destruction a little too much, the clone glances at his sensors to view the present scenario.

Edited by Vergence

As 6180 shouts abuse at the droids, one of the walker pilots would laugh. 'A true poet' he'd declare. The few remaining combatants would begin to rise up against the clones, or at least the simulation was updated. There was a slight flicker in simulation for a moment. They may be good for live action combat, but the system was not great at compensating for rapid changes. The change quickly became apparent. One of the droids left alive had been provided with a separatist missile tube. The droid would take aim, firing the missile at one of the walkers, but it missed by a hairs width. Sailing over the troopers soldier, the walker was unsurprisingly staggered by the near death experience. This gave one of the droids a much needed chance to reach for the com. 'We need back up! Please! Help us!'

The final droid in the battle chamber would glance around nervously at its fallen comrades before advancing on the clone that had killed his squad. For a droid close to the brink of destruction it did a remarkable job firing on the clone. Soon though it would not be alone. Two more blips would appear on Gunslingers radar. One as an individual droid to the east, and one squad of five to the south. The squad was another group of B1 battle droids, and they would immediately begin to march into close range. The second droid rising out fo the ground hower was different. This was a droideka. The squad droid would roll towards the dome with furious speed before hopping onto its legs. It would activate the translucent blue shield as it comes to rest. This next round was going to be tough to say the least. The rest of the attacks simply bounced off the walkers, unable to do any real damage.

In response to the near miss, the droids nearly destroying one of the walkers, the others would turn to fire on the droids again. A few of the other droids were torn apart, but one of the walker pilots would lean across to call across to 6180. 'The rest are all yours!'

Meanwhile the cadet talking to Doc did not take kindly to his line of question. With a snarl he would shove him roughly in the chest, pushing him into the wall. 'You don't get to ask about him! You didn't know him!'

'Hey man, leave it alright' the clone near the door would say in a quiet voice as he takes a few steps fowards.

'No! We deserve to know who did this! He needs to face justice! And this quack-' he would snap, jabbing Doc in the chest with a finger, 'won't tell us!'

Droid Combat Check : 2eP+2eA+1eD 0 successes, 4 advantage, 1 Triumph

p-a-a.png p-tr.png a-s-a.png a-a.png d-f-f.png , spends advantage for free maneuver and to give boost to next squad. Triumph spent to upgrade next check.

Droid Combat Check : 2eA+1eD 2 successes
a-s-s.png a-s.png d-f.png , unable to do any damage.

Droid Squad Combat Check : 1eA+1eP+1eD 2 successes
a-s-s.png p-a-a.png d-th-th.png Droid squad 2 does 11 base damage to Jackpot (sorry Jackpot!).

Walkers Combat Check : 3eP+1eA+1eD 3 successes, 1 advantage
p-s-a.png p-s.png p-s.png a-a.png d-th.png , destroys droid squad 3.

Droideka moves from long to medium range, spends action to activate shield.

Droid squad 3 moves from long to medium range.

Edited by Rabobankrider

Doc took the rage as best as possible. Trying to be empathetic didn't work as well as he had hoped. Another path was needed.

"Alright, slam me to the wall, I get it, you're angry." Doc said coldly. The truth of the matter was this: Widget was dead, that was final.

"But do you think that getting 'justice' on the one who committed the accident would bring Widget back from the dead? Do you think that's what he would have wanted you to do: commit assault and possible murder on a fellow trainee and having you thrown in jail or worse? Tell me. Would that bring him back from the dead?"

Doc looked at the fellow trainee straight in the eyes, waiting for an answer.

Edited by satkaz

'Don't you preach at me!' the trooper would bellow at Doc. Tear were running down his face despite the fury he was feeling. With a clenched fist he would make a wild swing for Doc, but fortunately his team mates saw him raw his arm back and made a dash to interact him. One grabber his forearm his another wrapped his arms around his shoulders to hold him back. A third would move to help as they drag him towards the door of the room.

'Jiyk, come on brother, get it together! He wouldn't want this!'

'Get off me! This isn't fair! It isn't fair! Let me go!'

They would move to drag him out of the room, but one would let him go, pausing at the door as the others do the work. Jiyk could be heard shouting as he is escorted down the corridor. The clone would look down at his feet before glancing back up at Doc. 'Sorry about that brother. Honestly though? I don't blame him. Widget, he was one of the good ones. Jiyk was right next to him when it happened, it hit him hard, all of this'.

Doc nodded. "I can only imagine, brother." He hadn't lost anyone in his squad yet, but death was bound to happen.

And Doc had to admit it. " I wouldn't know how I'd feel if I lost someone close to me. The thought scares me."

"Jiyk will need you guys to help him work the pain out." Doc said to the clone. "I don't want to see him locked up or worse."

Impressed with Lightning squad’s combat activity, CT-6180 acknowledges his teammates suggestion. “ Time to eliminate those last six Clankers! ” He thought briefly.

Maintaining his autofire setting on the Heavy Repeating Blaster, the clone attempts to take aim on the last remaining B1 droids hunkering down. As Mynock pulled the trigger, the walker abruptly flung back due to the intense recoil action of the blasterfire. The springing back weaponry creates barrage of red plasma towards the enemies cover. Unable to properly aim, the clone pins down the droids so Lightning squad instead could take the kill.

Slugger: Droideka, East. Use the grenade- Get close, and roll it in easy. Then withdraw quickly.

Jackpot: Clankers to the South. Shoot 'em.

The cadet would nod slowly as he listens to Doc. 'I know' he'd say if he notes the medics cadet get up. 'I don't know if you're going to be going to the front line, but if so, look after your squad'. With that he would leave the room, Doc now left alone with his thoughts. After a moment or so the Kaminoan would walk in through the back door. She would look down at the cadet expectantly, remaining silent for the moment.

The few remaining droids would have given up the fight at this point. 'Run for it!' one would scream. The would sprint between the legs of the walkers as they try to retreat further into their territory.

'Oh no you don't!' One of the clone would shout as he swings his walker around to follow the droids movement. Another quick spray of gunfire and he last droids were left in a smoldering heap.

One of the clones would glance across at 6180. 'What was with those moves back there? You looked like you were trying to be a dancer'. There would be a quick laugh from one of the other troopers at the comment.

Buzzard would growl underneath his helmet as he stumbles from the strike to the helmet. Staggering back, he would ready himself for combat once more. Stepping forward he would attack with a flurry of light strikes focused on trying to make the padawan leave his guard open. As they moved across the mat, Splat would turn his attention to the padawan as well. Despite the skill and speed that may overpower an average combatant, Anler would be able to see a few patterns in the clones combat style, giving him a much needed edge.

As Buzzard attacks Anler, Splat would twist to make a suprise attack on the padawan. With the staff he would make a lightning strike at his target. Although he didn't do any real damage, his staff would strike against Anler's wrist. Swinging the staff away from himself, Splat would actually manage to dislodge the staff from the padawans hand. The clones were proving themselves to be deadly opponents, fortunatly in battle they would all be on the same side.

Droid squad moves to medium range.

Walkers Combat Check : 3eP+1eA+2eD 7 successes, 1 threat
p-s-a.png p-s-s.png p-s-s.png a-s-s.png d-th-th.png d--.png Does 22 damage, disadvantage spent to suffer 1 strain

Buzzard Combat Check : 2eP+1eA+1eC+2eD 3 successes, 1 advantage, 1 Despair
p-s-s.png p-s-a.png a-s-s.png c-d.png d-f.png d--.png Does 7 base damage to Anler, spends advantage to recover 1 strain, despair spent to upgrade Anlers next check.

Splat Combat Check : 2eP+1eA+2eD 0 successes, 3 advantage
p-a-a.png p-a.png a-s-a.png d-th.png d-f.png Advantage spent to disarm Anler

Doc looks up to the Kaminoan.

"I have to admit, that was tougher than I had expected."

Anler takes a sharp hit from Buzzard, but the clone has overextended. Fortunately for him, the Splat rushes to his aid, intercepting Anler's return strike with his stick, causing the Padawan's weapon to go flying. Undeterred, Anler dives under the return swing from Splat and gets his weapon back, before quickly lunging at the off-balance Buzzard. The blow skids off his armor, pushing the already off-balance clone away from Anler.

If the Padawan is surprised that the clones are teaming up on him, he doesn't really show any reaction to that. In fact, it is something he had been expecting since his fellow Force-user doesn't appear to have any training in melee combat.

Anler takes 3 damage. Sadly, I don't have the Parry talent yet as I thought, only the Reflect talent. Anler will spend a maneuver to get his weapon back, and another (burning 2 strain) to aim. He then strikes at Buzzard.

Attack on Buzzard with boost for aiming and advantage last turn, upgrade for his despair : 3eP+2eB+1eD+1eC 1 failure, 4 advantage
p-a-a.png p-s-a.png p-a-a.png b-s.png b--.png d-f-th.png c-f-f.png

Well that's not good. I'll use two advantages to put Buzzard off-balance again, inflicting a Setback to his next attack. One will give the next friendly combatant (Anler, most likely) a boost, and the fourth will be spent to recover one strain.

On 4/14/2018 at 6:56 AM, Rabobankrider said:

The engineer would slot his datapad into his belt as he turns to the cadet. 'Alright, so what are you thinking about custom fits for these two? You're going to need to have something planned if you want to keep your team alive in the field.

CT-2112 grins a bit at the subject change, moving to something more dear to his heart. "Oh! Have I got some ideas for customization! Let me tell you!!" He moves over and gestures to the side of the dropship. "First thing, bright red, like fire-speeder red! Worked as flames along the side of the hull, branching out from the nose!" He moves around to the front of the ship. "I'm thinking of painting a splattered buckethead across the front, stuck to the nose by the velocity!" He chuckles to himself. "Also.." he moves over to the wings, and gestures underneath them. "...I'm going to hook up some killer speakers along the joints, where they won't effect the performance." He turns to the engineer suddenly, spinning on his heels so fast they squeak on the floor. "Have you ever heard of a band called Barchetta? From the Syrinx system?" He notices the blank expression on the engineer's face. "No...apparently not. Well, look them up in the archives, they're great! Anyway, I plan on blaring that as we go flying into battle! Confusing the enemy and inspiring the other troops! Because let me tell you, nothing says -flying into battle like a madman- like Barchetta!" He grins and pumps his fist with 2 fingers extended. He holds that pose for a second, distantly hoping to engender a similar response from the engineer, but it doesn't happen. He sighs, and puts his hand down, becoming more business in his tone.

"As to modifications..." he gestures to the engines and the shield emitter. "...given the amount of modifications I have available from the body type, I figure increased speed will be helpful for avoiding fire, and you know...because faster." He says the last bit like being faster should've been enough reasoning in itself. "Also, reinforcing the shields would help us survive any shots that are able to track our speed, and hopefully recharge while we get in and out of the mission quickly."

CT-2112 moves to gesture at the walker. "This lug....I think increased hull plating would be best served. It's big and slow, no way to really dodge anything, so making it the toughest nut to crack is probably the best way to go."

Jackpot opens fire on the droids only to duckback down as the droidika opens fire on him, "Any time now Slugger."