Will there be a physical copy of the final game available ?

By Excaleben, in Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game Beta

Hello folks :),

I just want to ask the more experienced members of you if you know if there will be a physical copy of the final game available somewhere ?

Cause if I look at the shop everything just hints me to a digital store and I like my rpg books on my shelf rather then a pdf sitting somewhere on my harddrive.

Sorry if this was the wrong place to ask this.

Almost certainly there ought to be a book. At the very least there should be a print on demand option. The point of the Beta-release PDF seems to be that they can easily distribute to and get feedback from prospective players.

The better question with modern FFG seems to be whether we'll get an official PDF of the final game . Physical copies seems to be a given.

D&D did quite well with the open playtest they did before 5E, and from what I understand FFG did the same for Star Wars. Much better to get player input, rather than just put out the product and tell players why they love it (even if they don't).

I strongly suspect we will see PDFs of the final products. Star Wars limited by the wording in its contract. So other than Star Wars. has FFG produced any RPGs recently that have not had PDFs available as well?

According to the news article:


Make sure to sign up for our mailing list to get all the updates on the Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game Open Beta, as well as an opportunity to receive a signed copy of the final product! More details will follow when the beta goes live next week.

Unless they mean "sign and scan in a PDF page", I assume this alone confirms the existence of a physical product.

But more to the point, I cannot imagine digital delivery only for a new RPG, especially for a large company like FFG.

I strongly hope for a PDF. I dislike physical books (consider them clumsy), and costs of shipping this stuff also isn't very exciting for me. Lack of PDF was the only reason why I never bought Star Wars rpg.