Descent Quest Compendium

By dragontamer, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I am thinking of purchasing the Quest Compendium. I have AoD, RtL and vanilla Descent. Will I still be able to play without WoD? Is it really worth buying? What about the typing errors mentioned? Are they too many?

I direct you to the 11page discussion and report thread on how bad the Quest Compendium is.

I am of the opinion, and this is my opinion , is that the Quest Compendium is not worth the paper it was printed on due to the insane number of errors that have been found in it. It required a 10 page errata to be done, which I would like to point out is 2 pages shy of being the length of the FAQ for all the Descent games combined . A few of the Quests basically had to have their maps reprinted due to errors.

If you love the vanilla Descent, it still might be worth it for you. I personally prefer RtL/SoB style play more than vanilla Descent so I couldn't bring myself to buy it.

If you prefer the basic Descent game to the campaign style of RtL or SoB and have exhausted all the vanilla/expansion quests, then it might be worth purchasing - but 10 pages of errata for a 96 page book is outrageous.

I think the problem was most off the designers tried to be tricky/unique but without actually having a very firm grasp of how the game operates which resulted in confusing "special rules" with less than clear instructions. To make matters worse, there were basic mistakes and inconsistencies in the maps.

In my opinion, another way to look at it is that the 10-page FAQ has now been published, and hopefully it corrects at least 95% of the errors. That strikes me as a big improvement over no FAQ at all. While it was certainly unfortunate that a FAQ of that length was required, on the plus side, it is now existent. The residual resentment about this situation is understandable, but another way to look at it is that the original problem has now been resolved. Or not. But that seems the more pertinent question, at least to me. The criticisms leveled in the above posts seem rooted more in the past than the present, since FFG did correct the problem (or hopefully they did).

More than minor errata is unacceptable for a quest, IMO, no matter how good the errata is...unless they actually reprint the entire thing.

I don't want to play a quest where I need to look back and forth between two versions of the map and quest text in order to figure out what to do; that's going to slow the game down, and greatly increase the chance that I make a mistake (that none of the other players can catch, since only the overlord looks in the quest book). I'd want a single, correct map and a single, complete and correct write-up of the quest rules.

Regardless, forum discussions also suggest that there are still significant problems even with the errata.

And even if the quests were perfect and awesome, I don't think it makes much sense from a cost/benefit perspective to pick up the Compendium until you have all of WoD, AoD, and ToI. Each of those comes with a substantial number of quests included, on top of a ton of other stuff, and some of the Quest Compendium requires other expansions, so you don't even get full benefit from it until you have all of those three.

dragontamer said:

Is it really worth buying?


dragontamer said:

What about the typing errors mentioned? Are they too many?


There are plenty of free quests available on BGG that are way better than this untested, badly edited pile of wasted paper.