Overwhelmed by getting Started..advice?

By PhatBastard360, in Star Wars: Destiny

So...because I really enjoy collecting....I'm at the point where I have a decent sized starting collection...which is great...but as a beginner, trying to put together a deck or decks is pretty daunting.

The advice I keep seeing is people saying "just put together a deck and start playing"...which I totally get...best way to learn is to just dive right in. But does anyone have any advice on how to make the deck selecting process a little less daunting for a beginner? Especially when you're trying to introduce someone new to the game? For my wife and friends...I think the idea of having to learn the game AND figure out how to build a deck is just too much and they lose interest before trying it. I'd love to be able to have a deck or two ready to go, where they will have fun and the mechanics won't be too complicated so they can just focus on the rules and what not.

Any advice? I'm probably going to create a google doc spreadsheet of my cards, would someone be willing to maybe just take a looks and help me put together a couple of good starting decks? Or should I just spend more money to get the 2 Player version that just came out?

If you post a list of your collection, most of the people on this forum would be happy to have a look at it and help you build a couple of balanced decks!

And I don’t think the 2-player set is neccesary. It’s a good deal, so if you want more cards you can get it, but the lack of yellow characters makes it a little static in my opinion.

I liked the original Kylo and Rey starters for this very reason; a great way to learn the gameplay and how everything interacts without having to build your own deck. I don't know how easy/hard those are to get anymore, though.

If you really have to build then focus on a single color, like red. That gives you a lot less cards to look through. The deck will be really sub-standard but a noob is going to recognize optimization anyway.

Cool, thanks for the advice.

This weekend I'll put together my list.

For new players, find out which characters they like, and make decks using them. Don't worry about being competitive, worry about having fun. Make an effort to make the decks not overly complex, and just play a few games.