Shyla's mandalorian whip

By supersayian, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions

Hello I posted this on board game geek but wanted to post it here as well. Would Shyla's mandalorian whip work with impassable terrain. It is a 2 by 2 square. I know you can shoot through it but her whip needs a figure within 3 spaces. The heavy trooper #2 in the image on bgg is 4 spaces going around but three going through the impassable terrain. So am I correct in the thinking that it would not work? Or would it work for the rebel player? I know that in the RRG says that you can trace line of sight through it. This situation has not come up yet but we will be playing the scenario fire in the sky next week. No spoiler about the mission it is just character abilities and the board.

Here is the link to the post on bgg.

Yes Shyla can whip figures across impassable terrains. Check "counting spaces" in RRG

@ricop Thank you for that reference in the guide. Now it makes sense with that.

1 hour ago, ricope said:

Yes Shyla can whip figures across impassable terrains. Check "counting spaces" in RRG

The figures cannot move or be pushed through impassable terrain though, unless Mobile or Massive. But impassable terrain only prevents that, it does not affect line of sight or adjacency.

@supersayian oops I forgot a major point thanks to @a1bert : just because it's a legal target (i.e. you can count spaces for impassable terrain) doesn't always necessarily mean you can do it (physically drag the hostile figure) because Shyla's whip says "Push that figure up to 3 spaces" In your example it's still fine

It matters for tiles like this (S = Shyla, H = heavy trooper)

Replace that heavy trooper with a probe droid that has Mobile then you can do it in my example

Edited by ricope

Ok so if what @a1bert is saying then the heavy trooper in my example. Shyla can't use her mandalorian whip on the heavy trooper. Am I correct in what I am reading.

In your example Shyla can whip the top Heavy Trooper, because it is within 3 spaces and in line of sight, and can be pushed 3 spaces around the impassable terrain and end up adjacent to Shyla. (Even pushing just 2 spaces is enough.)

(The other Heavy and the Imperial Officer are in line of sight, but 4 spaces away, so they cannot be chosen, although they could also be pushed 3 spaces and end up adjacent to Shyla.)

@a1bert Ok I understand now. At least if this situation comes up when we play I will be prepared for it.

4 hours ago, ricope said:

@supersayian oops I forgot a major point thanks to @a1bert : just because it's a legal target (i.e. you can count spaces for impassable terrain) doesn't always necessarily mean you can do it (physically drag the hostile figure) because Shyla's whip says "Push that figure up to 3 spaces" In your example it's still fine

It matters for tiles like this (S = Shyla, H = heavy trooper)

Replace that heavy trooper with a probe droid that has Mobile then you can do it in my example

Actually you can do it in the example you linked to. Spaces with impassible terrain between them are considered adjacent, so by whipping the Heavy one space to the left they would be adjacent. If you move Shyla one space to the left then it would be illegal.

48 minutes ago, Uninvited Guest said:

Actually you can do it in the example you linked to. Spaces with impassible terrain between them are considered adjacent, so by whipping the Heavy one space to the left they would be adjacent. If you move Shyla one space to the left then it would be illegal.

haha I didn't even realize there's a loophole

yes there's exactly 1 spot that's legal

Updated pic : X = illegal, L = legal (So Shyla can still whip to the 'L' spot and attack from there)

I have one interesting case, let's use following picture: link. Now please imagine that Shyla is shifted one field to the left from her current position, so Heavy Trooper is still in range of 3 spaces.
Now I would like to use Mandalorian Whip. Due to impassable terrain I can push Heavy Trooper only one field towards Shyla but he is still not adiacent to her.
[1] Can I use Mandalorian Whip in this situation - without performing attack?
[2] What if Shyla has weapon with Reach - can she perform attack?

1) No, for Mandalorian Whip the hostile figure needs to enter a space adjacent to her (even if a mission rule or another ability would cause the figure to end up elsewhere before the attack can be performed, such as the trapdoor in a few of the missions). (Knowledge from discussions with the tech editor and designers.)

I.e. you can't do any part of the push if you can't fulfill the requirement ("to a space adjacent to you").

Edited by a1bert