We are about to play Heirs of Blood finale - Encounter 2B and there are a few things I wanted to ask:
- what exactly is Tyrus' resolve ? There is no starting resolve, so I thought it is one of the attributes - but they are might, knowledge, willpower, and awareness. Or is it the number of fatigue tokens on Eliza as whenever his resolve increases/decreases, fatigue tokens are added/removed from Eliza?
- is Tyrus's damage transferred to Encounter 3 as by any other hero? I guess no because that would be too cruel...
- there is no mention of transferring all heroes fatigue tokens to Encounter 3 as it was by Encounter 1, so I suppose it is a normal transition - heroes keep only damage tokens and remove all fatigue tokens from their hero sheets - is that right?
- Lady Eliza Farrow is not placed in this encounter although it is stated in Monsters section. If I equip her with Staff of Shadows, I suppose I can't use it, or can I?
Thank you for help!