How does "ramming" work?

By achancesw, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

Like if a ship accidentally (or on purpose) hits another ship in movement. How is the damage dealt? Does it continue when it moves again?

What about fighters?

You attempt to place the ship as normal.

If you are overlapping, and cannot place you go back down the maneuver tool until you can place the ship (even if that ends up being back in its original position).

Then, simply, the overlapping and overlapped ship both take a face down damage card. (The Caveat to that, is that if a flotilla is involved as eitehr the overlapper or overlapee, only the Flotilla will take damage... Flotilla hits Ship? Only Flotilla takes damage... Ship hits Flotilla? Only Flotilla takes Damage... Flotilla hits Flotilla? Both Flotillas take damage...)

Done. Maneuver finished.

If next turn, it still can't get away (due to no navigate, ability to overpass, etc), then it will ram again.

Fighters never deal or take damage from overlapping. They're simply placed in base contact with the ship that overlapped them, by the player NOT controlling the ship that overlapped. Regardless of whose fighters they are.

RRG, Page 8, "Overlapping"


If a ship executes a maneuver and its final position overlaps one or more squadrons, move any overlapped squadrons out of the way and finish the ship’s maneuver. Then the player who is not moving the ship places the overlapped squadrons, regardless of who owns them, in any position around that ship so that they touch the ship that moved. He can place those squadrons in any order.

If a ship executes a maneuver and its final position would overlap another ship, it cannot finish its maneuver normally. Instead, temporarily reduce its speed by one (without changing the speed dial) and move the ship at the new speed. This process continues until the ship can finish its maneuver, even if that maneuver is to remain in place at speed “0.” Then deal one facedown damage card to the ship that moved and the closest ship that it overlapped.

Edited by Drasnighta

Can I ask the oft-requested question again of, if you ram someone and your ship ends up on the healing station, what's the order of things?

Ram first, then station.

ram damage is applied as you attempt to end your maneuver. As part of that maneuver.

Obstacle overlap is after you have completed maneuver.

A case of one being during, the other, after.

so timing is defined.

Only in, say, Asteroid and Station at same time can you choose ?

Edited by Drasnighta
10 hours ago, achancesw said:

Like if a ship accidentally (or on purpose) hits another ship in movement. How is the damage dealt? Does it continue when it moves again?

First you have an idea.

Then you call up a Hammerhead Corvette.

33 minutes ago, TTC said:

First you have an idea.

Then you call up a Hammerhead Corvette.

But only once that's done do you declare you had the idea.

So we had a question in a recent game. When a ship rams 2 ships by landing on both of them, it moves back down the maneuver tool and the ship closest to its final position takes the damage, right?


If the final position of the ship would have hit enemy ship 1 and nothing else but moving it back down the tool causes overlapping on enemy ship 2, does the initial overlapping take precedence over the subsequent overlapping while moving down the tool? Or.. Does that count as overlapping 2 ships so you then measure to figure out which enemy to damage?

I believe you Only concern yourself with Final intended position.

If you only overlap one ship there, then you only overlap one ship... Even if your subsequent attempts to place overlap a different ship, you're still only ramming the first...

But I have no access to rulebooks right now to pull quotes, or even double-check.

Thanks.. I think we’d both defer to your opinion over either of ours :)

We had some very calm, rational discussion over that one...

Only final position matters.

If a ship executes a maneuver and its final position would overlap another ship, it cannot finish its maneuver normally. Instead, temporarily reduce its speed by one (without changing the speed dial) and move the ship at the new speed. This process continues until the ship can finish its maneuver, even if that maneuver is to remain in place at speed “0.” Then deal one facedown damage card to the ship that moved and the closest ship that it overlapped .

Sorry one more: I know shield dials and all parts physical count for ship overlaps, aka ramming. Do they count for overlapping obstacles? What about squadrons?

If you overlap a squadron's blue/red toggle tab does it count? Or can you turn it in place? Can you turn squadrons at all?

(What happens if you attempt to toggle a squadron and there's no room for the toggle to be pushed? haha)

25 minutes ago, Blail Blerg said:

Sorry one more: I know shield dials and all parts physical count for ship overlaps, aka ramming. Do they count for overlapping obstacles? What about squadrons?

If you overlap a squadron's blue/red toggle tab does it count? Or can you turn it in place? Can you turn squadrons at all?

(What happens if you attempt to toggle a squadron and there's no room for the toggle to be pushed? haha)

Yes and yes.


Presumably, as they are ignored.

Assuming you can turn it in place: pick it up, toggle the slider, and turn the base 180* so the slider is in the same spot it was in before you toggled it.


A ship’s shield dials and the plastic portions that frame them count as part of the ship’s base for the purposes of overlapping, but squadrons’ activation sliders are ignored.

Edited by Ardaedhel

I always had that on mind but never asked before:

What happens when a ship ram another and reducing its speed it is found it is on the "wrong side" of the maneuver tool? It usually happens with zigzag movement. Do I overlap the maneuver tool or I should place it on the other side to move properly up to the reduced speed?

I guess the first one (overlap the maneuver tool).

3 hours ago, ovinomanc3r said:

I always had that on mind but never asked before:

What happens when a ship ram another and reducing its speed it is found it is on the "wrong side" of the maneuver tool? It usually happens with zigzag movement. Do I overlap the maneuver tool or I should place it on the other side to move properly up to the reduced speed?

I guess the first one (overlap the maneuver tool).

You overlap the tool. It's the only time you're allowed to overlap it. I've done it a few times in tournaments and each time the other guy called the TO over for a ruling.

And it is stated in the rule book as what you should do, too. Most read it without comprehending ?

I guessed but sometimes I find people changing the side and I probably did it too without thinking it two times.

1 hour ago, ovinomanc3r said:

I guessed but sometimes I find people changing the side and I probably did it too without thinking it two times.

IMO @JJs Juggernaut got to the final table in Worlds 2016 because he did this with his AF Mark 2 and squeezed it into an amazingly tight spot after ramming. (It is such a shame that game didn't get video.) Too many ignore this as a way to maneuver.

15 minutes ago, CaribbeanNinja said:

Too many ignore this as a way to maneuver.

Thinking about the differences between two maneuver gives me headache :D

I am fine maneuvering but no so good.

46 minutes ago, CaribbeanNinja said:

IMO @JJs Juggernaut got to the final table in Worlds 2016 because he did this with his AF Mark 2 and squeezed it into an amazingly tight spot after ramming. (It is such a shame that game didn't get video.) Too many ignore this as a way to maneuver.

At least once per tournament, my shrimp live and die by their ability to pull these off.


This way.



Sorry I did my best but I couldn't resist.

Another ramming question re: final position.

Scenario - a ship is at speed 3, but rams anther ship and has it's movement reduced to 2. Ship being rammed has only 1 hull left and is destroyed by the ram.

Does the ramming ship get to complete the full movement?

It doesn't. It would move at 2 (assuming that was a clear landing spot) and then the ship being overlapped is removed.

This is because you resolve the movement portion and generate final positions BEFORE you assign the damage and the consequences thereof.

Do hammerheads take damage when they ram a ship or is it just the enemy?

On 4/1/2020 at 8:32 AM, gdc123mark said:

Do hammerheads take damage when they ram a ship or is it just the enemy?

Hammerheads DO take damage.

In every single case (excepting three situations, which I’ll get to in a moment), when ships overlap, damage is taken by both ships. There’s nothing inherently special about Hammerheads. If they ram a Raider Corvette, both ships take damage. If they ram the Executor, both ships take damage.

Now for those exceptions.

1) If one of the ships is a flotilla (Gozanti or GR75) and the other is not, only the flotilla takes damage (if both are flotillas, both take damage).

2) Certain upgrade cards (such as Hardened Bulkheads) can prevent damage for one or more of the ships in the collision. Certain other upgrades can also change the amount of damage each ship takes. The ones that come to mind are Garel’s Honor, Amity, Eclipse, Hardened Bulkheads, and... maybe that’s it? There really aren’t many.

3) During movement, if your ship (X) overlaps another ship (A), in its final position, you back ship X up on the maneuver tool (without changing the tool’s position; note, this CAN cause you to legally overlap the maneuver tool, which isn’t normally allowed) until X is clear of ship A. If this causes you to overlap another ship (B), you continue backing up, possibly all the way to speed zero (where you don’t move at all). In this case, only X and the closest ship that X overlapped (B, in this case) take damage. A doesn’t, even though you technically overlapped A at first.