Unknown Rokugan

By Yandia, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

For some reason someone on the Discord server asked how L5R without L5R would work. Meaning we are playing in Rokugan, but not with none of the L5R rules.

... and for some reason my brain jumped immediately to Unknown Armies 3.

So let me present L5R without L5R also known as Unknown Rokugan.

The Basics

We are using the Unknown Armies 3rd edition rules more or less unchanged. Obviously there are no firearms in the setting and rituals requireing elevators or trains have no place in this setting, but many other things work suprinsingly well.

Identities for examples are a perfect match for the L5R schools. "I am a Kakita Bushi, of course I can write a haiku."

Also the five shock gauges work surprisingly well and can be associated with one of the rings:

  • Violence is associated with Fire, and is a no-brainer in this war torn setting.
  • Helplessness is associated with Water, and is a feeling that you can experience everywhere.
  • Isolation is associated with Air, especially in the sense of being socially isolated in the rigid Rokuganni sociaty.
  • Self is associated with Earth, and is always in question when you perform your duty, but act against your own believes.
  • Unnatural is associated with Void, and is also always present in form of the Kami and the Shadowlands.


The Bushi of Rokugan can be as deadly as guns. And I mean that literally, because they are using essentially the rules for firearms to deal damage.

Bushi Training is a new identity feature. Most of the samurai weapons are melee weapons and could be used as such, but in the hands of a trained bushi they become even more devastating. Everyone who aquires this feature learns the basics and aquires one of five specialisations: jujutsu, polearms, heavy weapons, shinobi and niten.

Weapon Type		Range	Damage Cap	Examples
  Short Blades		Melee	 35		Wakisashi, Ninja-to, Kama 
  Long Blades		Melee	 50		Katana, No-dachi, Scimitar
  Bows			Medium	 40		Yumi, Dai-kyu
Jujutsu			Melee	 30		Unarmed Combat
Polearms		Melee	 80		Naginata, Yari
Heavy Weapons		Melee	120		Tetsubo, Ono
Shinobi			Light	 30		Kusarigama, Shuriken, Blowpipes 
Niten			Melee	 70		Daisho

Some weapons seem to be more advantageous than other and quite honestly they are. However haveing a long stick to poke someone on a horse might be more advantagious than wielding a giant tetsubo.

Obviously no firearm specific rules like suppressive fire or full automaticapply... Even though full automatic katana sound kind of awesome now that I type it.


The Courtier in Rokugan can hurt with words alone. Your best weapon is to stress out your oppenent and the "Coerce a Meter" feature seems rather tailor made for this.


The Monks can push the limits of the human body.

Kiho Use is a new identity feature. You can attempt to push your body beyond its limits, by performing a Violence 10 Stress Check. If it succeeds you can do all sorts of crazy things: Jumping on top of a building, holding your breath for hours, sense kami or other spiritual beings which you should not be able to percieve, or simply deal damage with your fists as if you had received "Bushi Training: Jujutsu" for the duration of a combat. Just to name a few.

Why a violence stress role? Physical fitness is an important part of being a monk and this is exactly what is used to defend against violence. The more you harden yourself, the better you become at struggle but you will be more and more removed from society since you loose the ability to connect with people. And if you play to fast and loose with this ability you will decent into madness... In the end the rules felt like describing the path of the monk.

Of course other professions like the Shinobi might also make use of this identity feature and the tattoos of the Dragon Clan are also covered to a good part by this feature.


The Shugenja can communicate with the Kami and cast powerful spells.

In the end Shugenja follow the rules of adepts. There are three types of Shugenja: Void Shugenja, Elemental Shugena (Earth, Air, Fire, Water) and Specialist Shugenja (Wards of the Yogo, Bloodspeaker, Ancestors of the Kitsu, Inquisitors, etc.).

Shugenja in generally are not restricted in the from of magick they use, except for spells which would fall under the domain of the void which can only be accessed by Void Shugenja.

  • Void Shugenja have a general Omega +1 and an additional Omega +1 (+2 in total) if they try to use spells not assocciated with the Void.
  • Elemental Shugenja have no Omega modification when dealing with their element, but if tey try to use a spell outside their domain they receive an Omega +1 or an Omega +2 if the spell is associated with the opposing element (Earth and Air are opposing, so are Fire and Water).
  • Specialist Shugenja - as the name implies - have usually a stronger focused on certain typ of magick. Rather than being generalist, their magick serves a specific purpose. Speciallist Shugenja have Omega -1 when they work within their domain, but Omega +2 in all other cases.

What stuff belongs to an element? Well apart from the obvious stuff, like Fire Shugenja can create fire, the shock gauges (stress, upbeat and downbeat skills) are also associated with an element (see the basics).

For most shugenja the following stats are true:

  • Generate a Minor Charge: You are the spiritual backbone of Rokugan. Your daily temple and prayer duties generate a minor charge per day.
  • Generate a Significant Charge: Certain events are of major importance for the community and required spiritual guidance. When you are the Shugenja in charge of a marriages, a funerals or another major social event.
  • Generate a Major Charge: Major charges can be aquired by directly communing with a dragon, or beings of similar spiritual power.
  • Taboo: Being a Shugenja is a life of constant dedication. Whenever you skip a day of your duties you loose all charges aquired. Should you every aquire Bushi Training you will never be able to aquire charges in any way shape or form again.

The End

And that's basiclly it...

This version of L5R obviously has no rules for glory or honor, but would focus more on the personal struggle of the samurai. Living in a world of war, duty, and magic and stuggling to live up to the expections which are placed on him by society.

I would love to hear your feedback and thanks for reading.

Edited by Yandia

Wow, that's pretty awesome. I've never thought to combine those two, even though they are two of my favorite RPGs.

Thanks, it was a surprising natural fit. Even though the two systems do not have much in common at all. The focus of the stories will obviously a diffrent one.

Looking at the L5R beta, is there any consideration on how to implement Ninjo and Giri into this system?

7 minutes ago, Drudenfusz said:

Looking at the L5R beta, is there any consideration on how to implement Ninjo and Giri into this system?

Ninjo is already in, it is called obsession. :)

Giri... I am not exactly sure about that. Perhaps some bonus you get when you don't flip flop your obsession skill, even if it would benefit you?

If you insist on adding in Ninjo and Giri I would actually not go the route via Obsession but rather via Passion.

Your Noble Passion becomes your Giri (effects stay the same).
Your Rage Passion becomes your Ninjo (effects stay the same).

Finally, your Fear Passion becomes your Taint (effects stay the same).

Especially the latter one is interesting, as you automatically gain a meter/ring that makes you especially susceptible to Taint...

That is better than my suggestion.

Edited by Yandia