Rulings quesion

By Benracu, in Star Wars: Destiny

New to the game

if a card says to turn a die to a die showing damage. Both melee and range is an option I know, but can you change said die to a side showing modified damage?


Yes. There are 4 parts to a die face - Symbol, Value, Modifier, and Resource Cost. Anything that affects or targets one doesn't care about any of the others. So changing to a damage side lets you change to a modified or cost side of any value as long as the symbol is right.

And just because I know someone will say it - by "doesn't care" I mean that the effect doesn't touch them, not that the other things go away. So if something tells you to resolve a die showing ranged damage the only constraint is that ranged damage, but the rest of the rules for resolving (such as not being able to resolve modified sides alone) still apply.

Yeap anything showing sword or gun is a side "showing damage". Anything else (discard, distrupt, shield, focus, special, blank) are non damage sides. If that is blue side, payed side or anything else does not matter.

Just note that the rules mean only the symbol section of the die when they use this language. You can't turn a die to a side showing a resource cost and count that as showing a resource.

Also worth noting as it relates to 'turn' - you can't turn a die to the side it currently is showing. If a die had 1 range side and 5 blanks and it was already showing the 1 range side you couldn't play a card that required a die to turn. If the die had 1 range, 1 range and 4 blanks and it was already showing 1 range side you COULD play a card that required a die to turn because you would be able to 'turn' the die to the other 1 range side.

thanks for the replies. i was also looking at a card that has guardian keyword. can you choose a modified dice from your opponent? and does it deal damage?

6 hours ago, Benracu said:

thanks for the replies. i was also looking at a card that has guardian keyword. can you choose a modified dice from your opponent? and does it deal damage?

Yup, it does damage, because you don't "resolve" the dice, you just look at the number (As long as it is melee or ranged), remove it and receive damage equal to the number.
