
By darthdoug, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

Can someone please tell me why FFG announced yet another splat book (Unlimited Power) when the past five are still "in development"? I get the feeling this company keeps announcing things they have no intention of actually providing in a timely manner.

Sources at FFG have cited various shipping reasons why the others are in development. Since these products were original announced, a major shipping company has gone out of business, and there was rumor of a lost shipping container as well. It's quite likely that everything is out of their hands at the moment.

I have a feeling we will start to see things return to a normal schedule within the next few months.

3 hours ago, darthdoug said:

Can someone please tell me why FFG announced yet another splat book (Unlimited Power) when the past five are still "in development"? I get the feeling this company keeps announcing things they have no intention of actually providing in a timely manner.

Quite the contrary, the fact that they are willing to release this announcement gives me (some limited) hope that things are starting to return back to normal with FFG SW RPG product releases.

On 9/22/2017 at 4:29 PM, darthdoug said:

Can someone please tell me why FFG announced yet another splat book (Unlimited Power) when the past five are still "in development"? I get the feeling this company keeps announcing things they have no intention of actually providing in a timely manner.

Well if as we understand It a shipping container was lost. That would mean the stuff printing after that ship would still be coming and get here before the stuff that needed reprinting. Then the reprints would be slotted into the schedule. And as those get finished printing they can still move forward with the stuff that had not been announced can be announced. This is How business works. A lost shipment does not mean you stop other work. It just means you have a fuller schedule as you catch up. Reprinting requires no FFG people involved really. So all the other planned stuff jusdt Move's forward as planned.

On 9/22/2017 at 4:50 PM, kaosoe said:

Sources at FFG have cited various shipping reasons why the others are in development. Since these products were original announced, a major shipping company has gone out of business, and there was rumor of a lost shipping container as well. It's quite likely that everything is out of their hands at the moment.

I have a feeling we will start to see things return to a normal schedule within the next few months.

Let's not forget the rumor of piracy on the high seas. Personally, I think someone dumped their cargo at the first sign of Imperial warships.

Why ask why? Try Bud Dry.

FFG is slow, loses stuff, and is often behind schedule, but so far they have delivered. They just telegraph a little too much, which leads to frustration and impatience. But, overall, I'm glad to know the knew books are coming.

Edited by Vondy
