Unlimited Power -- Sourcebook for Mystics

By Blackbird888, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG

55 minutes ago, Absol197 said:

Oh, trust me, I noticed :P . I went on a slight rant about it in my Trends thread on the Edge board.

But that that was three whole weeks ago! I have no patience and need continuous information to remain placated! Whine whine ***** moan!


I think we spoke about it on here. Thanks @Ni Fang though for trying. I am getting to the stage of needing to do a water dance.

8 pages and counting.

55 minutes ago, Luahk said:

I think we spoke about it on here. Thanks @Ni Fang though for trying. I am getting to the stage of needing to do a water dance.

I do my best :)


I used forsee. An article will come out this week.

2 hours ago, Luahk said:

I used forsee. An article will come out this week.

I used refresh, you were right but the article is about Fallout. ;)

I'm telling you this week it's happening!

I hope you're right, Luahk. We still have half the week left, but I dunno...

Granted, the previous Star Wars RPG news article we got was on October 19 when Ghosts was released, meaning is been over a month and a half, and we're overdue for our third article for Dawn of Rebellion and our first for Unlimited Power , and we're getting near the time to expect a new announcement, as well...

But I'm still not sure. I have a feeling that the release of Genesys tomorrow is going to dominate the RPG bandwidth for articles, and we'll be getting actual updates next week instead of this one.

But I hope not. I hope you're right :) .

Edited by Absol197
4 hours ago, Absol197 said:

I hope you're right, Luahk. We still have half the week left, but I dunno...

Granted, the previous Star Wars RPG news article we got was on October 19 when Ghosts was released, meaning is been over a month and a half, and we're overdue for our third article for Dawn of Rebellion and our first for Unlimited Power , and we're getting near the time to expect a new announcement, as well...

But I'm still not sure. I have a feeling that the release of Genesys tomorrow is going to dominate the RPG bandwidth for articles, and we'll be getting actual updates next week instead of this one.

But I hope not. I hope you're right :) .

Consider the wind from my sails gone. One of my players joked that it'd been an accidental release well in advance of the actual timing and I was distraught. Come on guys! Feed the train!

For you and The prophets sake let us hope we don't get a repeat of Ghosts.

53 minutes ago, Shlambate said:

For you and The prophets sake let us hope we don't get a repeat of Ghosts.

Don't tempt fate.

1 hour ago, Luahk said:

Don't tempt fate.

I think he said it ironically. We should be save.

*feeds hype train* my brothers local shop had a COMING SOON list, Unlimited Poswer was on it; didnt see a date though other then the month of March

Now, the big question is: When the Upcoming page updates today for Genesys (if it does; they're being weird about it), will any of the currently printing books move to the Boat? I'd love it if the three that changed on 11/02 did! And while I'd cry mystical tears if the Age books did and Unlimited Power didn't, it would still be movement, right? New books getting closer?


36 minutes ago, Absol197 said:

Now, the big question is: When the Upcoming page updates today for Genesys (if it does; they're being weird about it), will any of the currently printing books move to the Boat? I'd love it if the three that changed on 11/02 did! And while I'd cry mystical tears if the Age books did and Unlimited Power didn't, it would still be movement, right? New books getting closer?


Seriously the age book already had an article. Is it usually this slow and I'm just allowing hype to cloud my judgement.. Or is the lack of an article strange?

Looks like the Upcoming page didn't update today, though they did post all the "now in stores!" news articles. They'll probably update Friday...

(knock on wood)

I am sweating ??

While I'm disappointed that nothing advanced (and no article :( ), I can't say I'm surprised. Genesys was the big RPG happening this week. We'll just have to wait until next week for new stuff.

Although it is a new month! Possible new announcement!

FWIW, the Upcoming page updated - Genesys & Fallout are In Stores Now, X-Wing waves 12 & 13 are Shipping Now, but the new AoR and F&D books are still At the Printer.

*balls himself up to have a good cry.*

Hey Im really excited for this. first post in a while. too bad im out of the country and dont have my books on hand to play.

6 hours ago, Luahk said:

*balls himself up to have a good cry.*

*offers mug of hot cocoa and a hug*

3 minutes ago, Ni Fang said:

*offers mug of hot cocoa and a hug*

Can I get some cocoa, too :( ? Waiting like this sucks...

Edited by Absol197
Just now, Absol197 said:

Can I get some cocoa, too :( ? Waiting like this sucks...

Sure! *has a huge pot her mom made, pours a few mugs to share* Would you like a hug with that ?

Yes please ^_^ !