CHaos Beast

By PBnJ, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

This may have been address in the old forum . But

If a chaos beast has 5 dice to choose. Can I as OL play one red and 4 green or something to that effect???


There are just 2 green ones... so, no, you can't attack with 4.... gui%C3%B1o.gif

Why can you add up and then roll the green dice again. Or if you bought a 2nd set of dice. the only dice limitations are power dice and that is set at 5. the Choas Beast gives you a set number or dice to roll. the controler get to pick the die type with the exception that one die have to be red, blue, or white. You could roll all red if you really wanted to. ( ADD aim to that and could be fun...... demonio.gif )

the more I think about it, Morph is looking better and better....

In my opininon the available dice is limited to those who are brought to you with the game. Just like potions, hero upgrades, etc...

There have been various rules that imply you are limited to just the basic set of dice.

However, there are attack rolls listed in various places that use more dice then this.

As a result, I tend to just say "whatever". After all, what's the point in having five sets of dice otherwise :D

Where are there attack rolls listed that use more than the standard dice?

PBnJ said:

the only dice limitations are power dice and that is set at 5.

No, that's wrong. It's in the rules:

"A monster with the Morph ability can choose which
dice it attacks with. For each morph die (indicated by a
die icon with a question mark) the monster has on its
reference card, the overlord player may choose a red,
white, blue, yellow, or green die to roll, as limited by the
dice that came with the game."

"limited by the dice that came with the game" - this should be clear. So you can't use more than two green dice.

apbevan said:

Where are there attack rolls listed that use more than the standard dice?

I can't reacall right now, and I really can't be arsed to dig through my many many cards to find it.

I do distincly remember the early days of playing main-box-only-vanilla and needing more white dice.

You are limited to number of dice that is included in game (basic JitD). You can't roll for 4 greens. This is obvious.

However, I believe that you 'can' roll say: Red, White and Green. Albeit, there is a bigger chance of a miss, though not bigger than attacking a stealthed character and the Damage potentiel is better than Yellow/Black Dice.

With regaurds the wordings since Morph came out all is stats is

The oL chooses which attk dice a monster with morph uses( the attk must includeat least one red, white, or blue die.)

that all it stats. So with that one could say thay that multi dice are possible. Ibelive it was brought up in the old forum. bostezo.gif

But you should still be limited by the dice that comes with the JitD game, so that's 2 green.

PBnJ said:

With regaurds the wordings since Morph came out all is stats is

The oL chooses which attk dice a monster with morph uses( the attk must includeat least one red, white, or blue die.)

that all it stats. So with that one could say thay that multi dice are possible.

I repeat:

No, that's wrong. It's in the rules (AoD, Page 9), just read it:

"For each morph die (indicated by a
die icon with a question mark) the monster has on its
reference card, the overlord player may choose a red,
white, blue, yellow, or green die to roll, as limited by the
dice that came with the game."

"limited by the dice that came with the game" - so you can't use more than two green dice.

Graf said:

PBnJ said:

With regaurds the wordings since Morph came out all is stats is

The oL chooses which attk dice a monster with morph uses( the attk must includeat least one red, white, or blue die.)

that all it stats. So with that one could say thay that multi dice are possible.

I repeat:

No, that's wrong. It's in the rules (AoD, Page 9), just read it:

"For each morph die (indicated by a
die icon with a question mark) the monster has on its
reference card, the overlord player may choose a red,
white, blue, yellow, or green die to roll, as limited by the
dice that came with the game."

"limited by the dice that came with the game" - so you can't use more than two green dice.

all said and done...