Supernatural Powers

By DarthDude, in Genesys

I wonder how Genesys will handle lethal supernatural powers like turning flesh to stone in case of a Medusa/Basilisk or the Domination by a Vampire. Are there similar powers in Star Wars so far, were one single attack might prove that lethal?

Did something similar occur in the GenCon Runebound adventure?

I can't think of anything like that in Star Wars. No clue how they'd handle it in Genesys.

The closest thing they had in the Runebound module was a vampire dominate that immobilized the target for 3 rounds on a successful check, and a Triumph can be used to Stagger them for one round. Nothing that actually allowed for "GM control" of the PCs.

DnD 4e had a good mechanism whereby you had to fail multiple saves (usually 3) before the fatal effect kicked in. It allowed for countermeasures.

In HERO attacks like this generate points of damage and if they do enough to kill you you're dead, but if they don't the power has no effect (IIRC - not a big player of HERO).

How does force choke work in SW?

1 minute ago, dbm_ said:

DnD 4e had a good mechanism whereby you had to fail multiple saves (usually 3) before the fatal effect kicked in. It allowed for countermeasures.

In HERO attacks like this generate points of damage and if they do enough to kill you you're dead, but if they don't the power has no effect (IIRC - not a big player of HERO).

How does force choke work in SW?

It's off the Bind force power. The basic power immobilizes and possibly staggers the target. If any Dark Side points are used to power the effect, the target suffers a number of wounds.

I'm already thinking about usuing Genesys for Mass Effect where biotic powers are a vital part. Take the pull power for example, you can lift every enemy without a personal shield generator in the air, there is no way to resist. Such effects could hardly be utilized with any existing mechanic in SW as far as I remember.

The "no way to resist" part, yeah.

Otherwise it's Move with a Strength upgrade and a few Magnitude upgrades.