Question: Deck size for games above 30 points (and other changes)?

By AlexW, in Star Wars: Destiny

I play quite a bit with my daughter, and with EAW and the release we've talked increasing the points we can spend on characters so that we could field more (which I think would be easier than building multiple decks even though it might be a longer game) but what kind of ratio would you use to increase the other elements of the game?

I was thinking something like this: for every 10 points you add 5 cards, 1 resource p/turn, an additional starting shield...would you keep the two card limit p/card (though with all the cards available that's not really a problem).

Any other ideas/thoughts?

Thanks in advance.

I would think you would keep the 1/1 ratio of points to cards. 40 points=40 cards. Otherwise the potential to mill the opponent gets way better because games will last longer with the additional health. I don't think you need the additional resource or starting shield. The additional resources and shields come from playing additional turns and getting those each round or from the fact that you have an additional 10 points which means an extra character die or 2 each round. That's my 2 cents

There are a whole mess of changes you may have to consider, 40 cards and maybe draw to a hand of 6 .

Hand size also makes it easier for Mill Characters as all they have to do is get rid of 4-5 cards from your hand each turn and you can't do much at all.

Also consider that if you add 10 points that extra character will be 2 or so dice extra that will accelerate the damage done by both teams.

There are other cards that become OP if you increase to 40 points and have 5 characters. Resource generation becomes much too good and cards like thermal detonator do a lot of damage.

Good luck stopping Palpatine with a 12 or 18 point character support.