Help me understand the sheild generator

By TIE_Actor, in Star Wars: Rebellion

Hey guys. Been looking at the rules and trying to make sense of this one. The rule books says that in ADDITION to the normal rules, Shield generators are placed where there is at least one imp unit. The RRG however says that remote systems cannot be deployed to remote systems. What exactly am I missing here? How do you deploy these things?

Ok, first. The Imperial unit you are referring to is the "Shield Bunker". Rebels have shield generators with completely different effects.

Second, Shield Bunkers break the standard rule on deployments. Here is the relevant section of the Rise of the Empire Rules...


Easy Deployment: In addition to normal deployment rules, a Shield Bunker may be deployed to any system that contains at least 1 Imperial ground unit and does not contain any Rebel units. The planet’s loyalty does not matter.

Local Reinforcement: When a Shield Bunker is in a remote system that does not contain any Rebel units, the Imperial player may deploy units to that system as if it were a loyal system. This cannot be used during the build step in which the Shield Bunker is deployed. Note that deploying a Death Star to this system counts toward the limit of deploying 2 units during the Refresh Phase.

The "In addition to normal deployment rules..." part means that you can deploy Shield Bunkers like other units, if you want. But they also have this special power where you can deploy them without regard to the loyalty of the planet. Does that clear it up?

(assuming you mean the expansion's imperial Shield Bunker, not the rebel Shield Generator from the base game)

Shield bunkers ignore the "only populous systems" rule, for both their deployment and for unit deployment in future rounds.

EDIT: yeah, what RobertK said. ;)

Edited by phaze

sort of? So to deploy this to a remote system, does an imperial trooper need to be there first? If so, can I just drop off a ground unit on a remote system as if it was populous?

2 hours ago, TIE_Actor said:

sort of? So to deploy this to a remote system, does an imperial trooper need to be there first? If so, can I just drop off a ground unit on a remote system as if it was populous?

Technically speaking it could be ANY ground unit and not only if there is a trooper in that system. Then if you have a Shield Bunker in a remote system you can deploy units as if it were a populous system (the only restriction is that you cannot deploy other units on the same turn you deploy the shield bunker)

30 minutes ago, Lemmiwinks86 said:

Technically speaking it could be ANY ground unit and not only if there is a trooper in that system. Then if you have a Shield Bunker in a remote system you can deploy units as if it were a populous system (the only restriction is that you cannot deploy other units on the same turn you deploy the shield bunker)

ok. Thanks. I think I got it now. I just wasn't wrapping my brain around it. Normally, there wouldn't be a reason to drop a ground unit off on a remote system because you cant subjugate it. With the Shield Bunker now, you need that first unit there, can deploy there like a normal planet, which will help your Death stars and what not and probably if you wanna put a base or token marker there or whatever.

I was having a hard time figuring out why you would even want to build one at a remote system for a minute. Thanks for the help guys.

I think there is normally a reason to drop a ground units off on remote systems. If the rebel base is there, it won't be revealed unless you place a ground unit there, it doesn't reveal for just a space fleet. Thats the normal reason for moving your troops to a remote system.

13 hours ago, Jobu said:

I think there is normally a reason to drop a ground units off on remote systems. If the rebel base is there, it won't be revealed unless you place a ground unit there, it doesn't reveal for just a space fleet. Thats the normal reason for moving your troops to a remote system.

Good point. Wasn't even thinking about the rebel base.

On 9/19/2017 at 9:05 AM, TIE_Actor said:

Good point. Wasn't even thinking about the rebel base.

The rebel base is kinda all the empire should think about.