Star Wars feel: The No No list

By Archlyte, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

36 minutes ago, Maelora said:

Well said.

(I still look at that avatar and expect Desslok, though! :) )

Sadly, the limited selection of "canned" avatars doesn't leave me much room for expression and results in inevitable overlap.

I get why FFG shies away from letting people upload their own avatars, but I confess it inspires consternation.

I attached the pic of my own F&D character, which is what I would use if FFG would let us customize!


Edited by Vondy
5 hours ago, Mindless Philosopher said:

Re: the original topic: As others have noted, the seedier elements of life get some pretty frequent screen time, so I feel that a completely sanitized vision of the SW galaxy is disingenuous. Please note that I am not saying that the RPG should be X-rated or anything, but I see nothing wrong with kicking it up to PG-13, especially since real character development (something a RPG seems more likely to handle than the original films do) is likely going to involve touching upon a host of issues, some morally grey stuff, and maybe sexuality.

I am also morally obligated to note that I see some language being aired, and some false conclusions being reached regarding non hetero-normal sexuality that, as a gay man, make me profoundly uncomfortable. I realize that I might be walking into a wall of poodoo, but there it is.

I hope that anything I said did not strike you this way, as it wasn't my intention or purpose. I think I did say several times that homosexuality to me is completely welcome in my games and life. The whole thing with the Hutt has nothing to do with trying to set any kind of mores, but is entirely for a function of the characterization of a character in Star Wars without implication or connection to real social issues. I just want to have fun in the Galaxy far far away, I don't want to have it be allegory or commentary. If I said anything that offended you though MP I am truly sorry.

Edited by Archlyte
3 hours ago, Mindless Philosopher said:

Oh, no, no, no, no, it's nothing at all Ferret has said or done. He seems like a great guy!

I will come back to this issue maybe later today, but for now, I just see the word "deviant" being thrown around a lot in this thread and seemingly defined as 'anything that is not strictly heteronormative, ideally for purposes of reproduction.' I just wanted to make sure that the posters involved were not intimating that 'standard' homosexuality be included under that designation.

Interestingly enough, regarding inter-species stuff: I get the feeling that, in universe, it's implied that as long as they're both sentient and consenting adults (a most definite NO in the second caveat in Jabba's nasty proclivities, it should be stressed), it's okay. We've seen two human/Twi'lek pairings in the shows, and that (really nicely-dressed) girl in TFA who was flirting with that Aqualish-looking guy in Maz's castle.

I'm the one who used the term "Deviant", and while I won't get into my personal or religious views on homosexuality, the term was used specifically referring to things such as Beastiality, Pedophilia, Sadomasochism, Fetishes , and the like, that are absolutely not acceptable to the general public. Jabba's (a Hutt) sexual predilections for humanoid females is equivalent to besitality, since humanoids aren't even a remotely related species. That is an actual deviancy.

Thank you for clarifying.

3 hours ago, Mindless Philosopher said:

Oh, no, no, no, no, it's nothing at all Ferret has said or done. He seems like a great guy!

I will come back to this issue maybe later today, but for now, I just see the word "deviant" being thrown around a lot in this thread and seemingly defined as 'anything that is not strictly heteronormative, ideally for purposes of reproduction.' I just wanted to make sure that the posters involved were not intimating that 'standard' homosexuality be included under that designation.

Interestingly enough, regarding inter-species stuff: I get the feeling that, in universe, it's implied that as long as they're both sentient and consenting adults (a most definite NO in the second caveat in Jabba's nasty proclivities, it should be stressed), it's okay. We've seen two human/Twi'lek pairings in the shows, and that (really nicely-dressed) girl in TFA who was flirting with that Aqualish-looking guy in Maz's castle.

While I am not the one that used that term, since my name was mentioned, I thought I'd chime in. While I understand how the term "deviant" can be considered derogatory/insulting when directed at yourself, I do try and play devil's advocate on that specific word, at least sometimes. I personally think that when discussions come up, and that word is used, I think most people are simply using it in the clinical meaning of the word. Deviant, meaning to deviate from the "norm," in this case norm simply refers to "the average result on the spectrum, the most common result" In 100 examples of something, if 75 times X happens, then any result on those other 25 is "deviant". It's not meant to be a declaration of morality in this context (though plenty of people have co-opted the word for that very reason.) It could be referring to a person's choice of ice cream flavor, and the term "deviant" would still technically apply. And while I'm sure plenty of people DO use deviant to imply "sinful" behavior or whatever, I think in this thread it's mostly just referring to the technical/scientific term for "results that aren't the most likely result"

Now of course, what someone considers "normal" can vary widely based on personal opinion, but the main hitch me and Archlyte were having, that I think was the crux of the "deviant' discussion. And while I don't want to rekindle that, as I think he and I came to an understanding, the thing we were dancing around was the concept of "getting horny for something not of your species." My point was that given how humans (and several other animals on this planet), have been documented as getting horny for things that are not of their species, there is precedent, from multiple species, for this idea. The idea that Jabba could be aroused by the bi-pedal girls in his barge. My point was "given how many humans get aroused by the weird aliens in Star Wars alone" (just do a google search with safe search off if you want evidence :P ) "that it's a pretty -normal- type of sexuality." It's still deviant from the norm (though average, or median might be a better term), meaning the orientation the majority of people/aliens participate in.

Anyway, again, not trying to respark that, but I think that's where he was coming from, in general. Sadly, that's one of the problems of multiple definitions of words, and how they change over time. Like patronize, which used to mean someone who supported another's artwork with funding, and somehow morphed into speaking insultingly to a person, or "talking down" to them. Which is interesting, given the resurgence of patronage through Patreon. I'm curious to see if that usage will subside a bit, and it will reclaim it's original usage in common tongue.


And then I noticed what Tramp said, so yeah, ignore most of my comment then. I stand by the concept I was conveying, but it was directed at the wrong person.

Edited by KungFuFerret

The real world is screwing up my thread again. There is no equivalence between real love in the real world, and Jabba the Hutt wanting to **** his dancers.

15 hours ago, Mindless Philosopher said:

Re: the original topic: As others have noted, the seedier elements of life get some pretty frequent screen time, so I feel that a completely sanitized vision of the SW galaxy is disingenuous. Please note that I am not saying that the RPG should be X-rated or anything, but I see nothing wrong with kicking it up to PG-13, especially since real character development (something a RPG seems more likely to handle than the original films do) is likely going to involve touching upon a host of issues, some morally grey stuff, and maybe sexuality.

I am also morally obligated to note that I see some language being aired, and some false conclusions being reached regarding non hetero-normal sexuality that, as a gay man, make me profoundly uncomfortable. I realize that I might be walking into a wall of poodoo, but there it is.

I think that in the inclusion of these "seedier" elements it's a matter of editing to tone and feel. RPG's tend to touch on this stuff because people are often ad-libbing so they are pulling in their first draft thoughts from whatever they happened to have in the front position in memory. RPGs also have player agency so the GM is not usually likely to interfere with content entering the game for fear of being overbearing or interrupting the flow. Because RPGs are like that does not mean that it's good that they are like that, especially if you are looking for something a bit more on point as far as trying to capture the feel of the movies. If you let it go that way, a role-playing game will quickly devolve into something that more resembles the Texas Chainsaw Massacre or a sexually-themed comedy.

1 hour ago, Archlyte said:

The real world is screwing up my thread again. There is no equivalence between real love in the real world, and Jabba the Hutt wanting to **** his dancers.

Of course there is, as has been explained thoroughly. It's also appropriate for the story being told.

This is entirely about your hang-ups.

Again, I apologize for inserting my neuroses into the thread. Let's please not make it go boom!

20 hours ago, Absol197 said:

Vondy and Desslok are clearly the Light/Dark side aspects of the same penguin. Vondy is formal and structured, very orderly and clearly the Light Side, while Desslok is much more random and chaotic, truly an expression of the Dark!* But both are smart, fun, and nice :) .

*This is using my "Light Side = Law, Dark Side = Chaos" theory of the Force, not the more common Good/Evil view.



20 hours ago, Vondy said:

Sadly, the limited selection of "canned" avatars doesn't leave me much room for expression and results in inevitable overlap.

No kidding. There's someone wandering around here, someone who only posts very intermittently, with Whafrog's avatar. He screws me up every time he posts and my brain thinks he's someone else.

Edited by Desslok

I gotta say, I didn't think there could be any such thing as a scary penguin. Then I saw that.

1 hour ago, Mindless Philosopher said:

I gotta say, I didn't think there could be any such thing as a scary penguin. Then I saw that.

Never played FFG's Mountains of Madness, huh?

Killer Penguins are A Thing.

41 minutes ago, Maelora said:

Never played FFG's Mountains of Madness, huh?

Killer Penguins are A Thing.

Justice League Antarctica will back you up on that.


My world has just been upended...

12 minutes ago, Mindless Philosopher said:

My world has just been upended...

Apparently you've never heard of Oswald Cobblepot...

3 minutes ago, Absol197 said:

Apparently you've never heard of Oswald Cobblepot...

Having just read's nostalgia review of Batman Returns last week, I actually do know who that is!

I'm not really a superhero guy, but I do like Tim Burton movies, so I kinda wanna see his Batman films.

32 minutes ago, Absol197 said:

Apparently you've never heard of Oswald Cobblepot...

I read this, and instantly thought "I thought his name was Chester Copperpot"? Then I realized I was mixing up my nerd nostalgia.

34 minutes ago, KungFuFerret said:

I read this, and instantly thought "I thought his name was Chester Copperpot"? Then I realized I was mixing up my nerd nostalgia.

booty traps

4 minutes ago, Archlyte said:

booty traps

Slick shoes!!

16 minutes ago, Archlyte said:

booty traps

11 minutes ago, KungFuFerret said:

Slick shoes!!

I could be mistaken; they're using a very primitive dialect, but I do believe they are talking about some sort of meme!

Back on topic, now that Star Trek Discovery has dropped the F bomb, does that mean we can now swear in Star Wars too :)

On 10/9/2017 at 2:53 PM, Maelora said:

Tracey Hickman's original Ravenloft, and the sequel, were among my favourite D&D adventures. I didn't like the expanded setting though - that came in 2nd edition and 'railroading' didn't begin to describe it. Honestly, the modules were just horror-stories (of varying quality) that had the PCs forced into them as mute bystanders. Probably the worst role-playing I ever saw, topped only by Gary G's chimp-out (pun intended) on 'Isle of the Ape' (which for the uninitiated, was an 'adventure' explicitly intended to kill off high-level characters, and Gygax huffily wrote that if they didn't want to be killed off, 'they weren't playing their characters properly'. Mercifully by the this time there were loads of better settings out there and D&D's venerable creator sank into obscurity after that).

Oddly enough, while I played Mystara straight, the Ravenloft adventures were very much a proto-MarcyVerse, as I made Strahd the good guy, and Siegfried the wastrel younger brother having an affair with his trashy gypsy wife. It all kicked off when Strahd caught them together, killed his brother in a fit of rage which he instantly regretted, and brought the whole curse down on everyone's heads. Playing Strahd as a formerly nice guy, fighting against his curse and struggling for redemption, was much more fun than the bland villain the modules gave us. And interestingly, the 5th edition version of Ravenloft expressly tells us to make him as bland as possible, just another generic bad-guy doing it 'for the evulz', and not to be tempted to make him interesting or human like (the admittedly-awful) 'Twilight' or the protagoinists of a certain White Wolf RPG that goes un-named...)

What was that about the module telling you to keep the venerable Mr. Zarovich bland? I haven't looked into the Curse of Strahd yet, but this raises concerns for some of the new DMs that have at my college.

2 hours ago, Andreievitch said:

Back on topic, now that Star Trek Discovery has dropped the F bomb, does that mean we can now swear in Star Wars too :)

I think more than 7 people need to see Discovery drop an F bomb before it can be adopted in other franchises.

Besides...I'd probably still stick with "frak."

I have been trying out some things along the lines of this topic.

  • I made the HoloNet not the Internet. Some users here had great ideas on this.
  • I made Datapads just PDA's, not weapons of war.
  • I decided that going too far into the area of droid rights can get weird.
  • I included more humans into the population of scenes instead of doing every place like the Mos Eisley cantina.
  • Serious gore or torture happens off-screen except for needed moments of dialogue.
  • Sex happens off-screen.
  • Drug use has to be handled with care.
2 hours ago, Nytwyng said:

I think more than 7 people need to see Discovery drop an F bomb before it can be adopted in other franchises.

Besides...I'd probably still stick with "frak."

It has pretty **** good ratings, actually:

I also find calling it an "F bomb" deeply hilarious. Like people are afraid they'll summon an evil clown or something if they say it out loud, or just type it out.