Question on the Droid ring Cards

By TIE_Actor, in Star Wars: Rebellion

Stupid question but I haven't found a good answer. When you draw the action cards and one of the droid ring ones pop up, do I have to actually pick the card to get the ring or do I get the droid ring and whatever my other card is.

It seems odd to skip a recruitment for a droid ring in the earlier stages.

The cards for the droid rings are initial action cards so you don't use them for recruitment during the game, you just draw 2 of them before starting the game an discard the rest

EDIT: I leave you the rule from the RRG page 2:

"During setup, each player receives two random starting action cards (i.e., the action cards without a recruit icon on them), which are placed facedown near his faction sheet; the other starting action cards are returned to the game box."

Edited by Lemmiwinks86
21 hours ago, TIE_Actor said:

Stupid question but I haven't found a good answer. When you draw the action cards and one of the droid ring ones pop up, do I have to actually pick the card to get the ring or do I get the droid ring and whatever my other card is.

It seems odd to skip a recruitment for a droid ring in the earlier stages.

At the beginning of the game you have the four starting leaders, and you draw 2 random action cards from your starting set of 6 (the ones without the medals on the back). You get both cards you drew, you don't choose between them.

If you draw either of the two cards with droids on, you get the ring immediately. The other four cards with starting leaders on aren't recruitment cards (because you already have those leaders), they are just extra abilities those leaders can use during the game.