DunDraCon RT Demo Recap

By schoon, in Rogue Trader

I ran a Rogue Trader short scenario/demo at DunDraCon over the weekend to a table of 8 and 2 folks that just wanted to watch even though there was no more space.

The scenario was fairly simple: a relative of the RT arrives on a lighter while the vessel is still some distance out on it's approach to Port Wander . Hyjinx ensue on the ship (no spoilers here gui%C3%B1o.gif ), culminating in a good starship battle.

The players really enjoyed the game, though there really wasn't enough time in the 4 hours to get too deep into a scenario.

The starship combat piece went particularly well, with everyone having something fun to do during the combat.

All in all, quite a fun little jaunt.

Sounds like a good time had be had. To bad, there are no nice conventions in my country these times. I used to like playing games at conventions.