How would you call the result of that game?

By IanSolo_FFG, in Star Wars: Rebellion

I played a game recently (my last game before acquiring the new expansion) where I (Empire) had correctly guessed the rebel base location (Dantooine) without actually revealing it however. Round timer was on 10 while rebel marker was on 11. The Empire's fleet including a fully armed Death Star was one (subjugated) system away from the base (Mygeeto if I recall correctly). During the assignment phase, the Rebel player used Lando's action card to move the imperial ground units away from Mygeeto. On the Empire's turn, I moved my fleet from Mygeeto to Dantooine but couldn't reveal the base because I had no more ground units to transport. Still I had Tarkin sitting on the Superlazer online project card ready to activate on my next turn. Then the rebel player (without revealing his base) moved his fleet from the rebel base space to Dantooine. The space combat lasted a single round. The rebel fleet was wiped out but in the process the rebel players destroyed 3-health worth of my space ships and therefore played an objective card allowing him to win the game.

I do recognize I lost the game per the official rules, but still I find the context a bit "strange". Yes the rebels rallied enough reputation to start the decline of my Empire but I wiped out their fleet and I'm/was about to blow their base with the Death Stars and there's nothing they could have done to prevent thaht. I can just imagine conversation in the galaxy "Hey have you heard about how the Rebellion stand up against the Empire at the space battle of Dantooine, inflicted them some great loss?" "Yes I did! We should rally and join the rebellion" "Well there is only one major problem, following the battle, the Empire annihilated the rebels with their Death Star" "Long live to the Emperor!!!" ;)

23 minutes ago, IanSolo_FFG said:

I lost the game per the official rules

It was close though

rebellions are all about critical mass. Once you hit that critical mass more rebel bases start popping up and the ability for the empire to stop the rebellions is not sufficient to stop the growth in rebellions.

19 hours ago, davidumstattd said:

rebellions are all about critical mass. Once you hit that critical mass more rebel bases start popping up and the ability for the empire to stop the rebellions is not sufficient to stop the growth in rebellions.

I guess the rebels I would have destroyed with the Death Star will be seen from now on as martyr ... a great source of inspiration for the Alliance ... re-execute order 66 now!!!!!!

21 hours ago, LemonheadPrime said:

It was close though

It was indeed! A great finish for a great game!

The Empire rules through fear. A majority of people in the core worlds probably enjoy Imperial rule as it benefits them. The rest of the galaxy hates the empire and would love to throw off the shackles of their control. However, they are scared to oppose them.

If an small, unorganized, unsupported force with minimal resources is able to get support from entire systems, build a fleet, maintain an army, and destroy Imperial ships. It starts to inspire others in the Galaxy. Wiping out the Rebel base of operations isn't killing every Rebel. They have operations everywhere. They have support and bases scattered through the galaxy.

Here's the scenario you created. You pulled almost the entirety of the Imperial navy to one system to wipe out a rather pitiful force of people fighting for freedom of all individuals in the Galaxy. They made you show just how cruel the empire is. You created martyrs with the killing of these freedom fighters. Your lack of forces across the galaxy has given local dissidents the confidence to rebel. The various rebel contacts are uniting to build a new Rebel alliance. Your cruelty has tipped more people into fighting against your tyranny. You wiped out the main force of opposition in the galaxy, but you lit a galaxy wide powder keg. You may have killed them, but they bloodied your nose on the way down and showed that you aren't invincible.

It sounds like another one of those games that just really came down to the wire. The victory conditions were still met, even if the winner really didn't have a chance of continuing the fight.

Sometimes when you're battling a mighty empire, you can beat them with an incredible amount of luck and a lucky shot at a 2m exhaust port.