I've heard people say, all politics is personal - meaning that politics ultimately comes down to relationships between particular personalities. But politics also transcends individuals. It is also ideological. IRL we have ideological frameworks like "conservative" and "progressive," which for the purposes of this thread I will broadly define as emphasizing continuity and emphasizing development, respectively. We also have high concept issues IRL, such as the give and take between centralized authority and devolved authority (subsidiarity). IMO these real world concepts don't line up very well with Rokugan. Are any of the Great Clans "progressive"? Perhaps the Unicorn, although that would leave every other clan in the conservative camp. Also, is there any real tension in Rokugani politics about the relative power of the Imperial family and the Great Clans or between the leadership of each Clan and the daimyo of its constituent families?
In other words, are there any actual ideological controversies in Rokugani politics or is it all a matter of personalities? Put it another way, if the Champions of the Great Clans and the Emperor all got along at a personal level, what would there be left to squabble over?