As far I as I can tell, he's an under played hero but has an interesting ability. I worked this deck up a while ago. What do you think
Guerillas, Argalad and Haldir
Main Deck
Hero (3)
Argalad (The Drowned Ruins)
Damrod (The Land of Shadow)
Haldir of Lórien (Trouble in Tharbad)
Ally (15)
2x Defender of the Naith (Trouble in Tharbad)
2x Erebor Hammersmith (Core Set)
2x Henamarth Riversong (Core Set)
1x Mablung (The Land of Shadow)
2x Master of the Forge (Shadow and Flame)
1x Quickbeam (The Treason of Saruman)
3x Rivendell Minstrel (The Hunt for Gollum)
2x Silvan Tracker (The Dead Marshes)
Attachment (23)
3x Bow of the Galadhrim (The Nîn-in-Eilph)
2x Cloak of Lórien (Celebrimbor's Secret)
3x Entangling Nets (Temple of the Deceived)
3x Keeping Count (The Redhorn Gate)
3x Lembas (Trouble in Tharbad)
3x Ranger Spikes (Heirs of Númenor)
1x Song of Battle (The Dead Marshes)
1x Song of Travel (The Hills of Emyn Muil)
2x Unexpected Courage (Core Set)
2x Wingfoot (The Nîn-in-Eilph)
Event (12)
3x Daeron's Runes (Foundations of Stone)
3x Expecting Mischief (Over Hill and Under Hill)
3x Mithrandir's Advice (The Steward's Fear)
3x Out of the Wild (Road to Rivendell)
3 Heroes, 50 Cards
Cards up to Temple of the Deceived
Attachment (2)
2x Light of Valinor (Foundations of Stone)
Event (3)
3x Needful to Know (The Redhorn Gate)
Decklist built and published on