Since this card was spoiled I think about new hobbit builds, with finally something to reward you for having hobbit allies.
I look among good hobbit heroes: Sam Gamgee, Lore Pippin, Frodo, Tom Cotton and Merry Tactics or Spirit. I found Tom Cotton / Merry Spirit / Pippin Lore especially interesting with thought for Merry tactics / Sam Gamegie / Pippin Lore (classic black riders) and Tom Cotton / Sam Gamegie / Merry spirit.
I come to this list for solo:
Hero (3)
Merry (The Wastes of Eriador)
Pippin (The Black Riders)
Tom Cotton (The Mountain of Fire)
Ally (21)
1x Arwen Undómiel (The Watcher in the Water)
2x Bilbo Baggins (The Road Darkens)
3x Celduin Traveler (The Nîn-in-Eilph)
3x Curious Brandybuck (The Wastes of Eriador)
1x Farmer Maggot (The Black Riders)
1x Gandalf (Over Hill and Under Hill)
1x Henamarth Riversong (Core Set)
3x Ithilien Lookout (The Dunland Trap)
1x Mablung (The Land of Shadow)
1x Quickbeam (The Treason of Saruman)
1x Robin Smallburrow (The Drowned Ruins)
1x Rosie Cotton (The Mountain of Fire)
1x Treebeard (The Antlered Crown)
1x Warden of Healing (The Long Dark)
Attachment (9)
1x Fast Hitch (The Dead Marshes)
2x Good Meal (The Redhorn Gate)
3x Hobbit Pipe (The Black Riders)
3x Resourceful (The Watcher in the Water)
Event (20)
3x A Test of Will (Core Set)
3x Daeron's Runes (Foundations of Stone)
3x Feint (Core Set)
2x Hasty Stroke (Core Set)
3x Raise the Shire (The Mountain of Fire)
3x Smoke Rings (The Black Riders)
3x The Galadhrim's Greeting (Core Set)
We use both the hobbit mechanics (pipe to draw, tom and raise to use allies) and secrecy one (resourceful, celduin traveler, ithilien lookout) who allow us to both get long term ally+resource gain (secrecy) and short-term tool (hobbit ally) to deal with enemies. We complete this by playing a best of ally of each sphere. We play only one Rossie because of his possibilities to be played if we keep an enemy engaged. Since we try not to get to this situation I'm not sure it is a good idea.
I also build one for multiplayer:
Hero (3)
Merry (The Wastes of Eriador)
Pippin (The Black Riders)
Tom Cotton (The Mountain of Fire)
Ally (19)
2x Bilbo Baggins (The Road Darkens)
3x Celduin Traveler (The Nîn-in-Eilph)
3x Curious Brandybuck (The Wastes of Eriador)
1x Farmer Maggot (The Black Riders)
3x Halfling Bounder (The Sands of Harad)
3x Ithilien Lookout (The Dunland Trap)
1x Quickbeam (The Treason of Saruman)
1x Robin Smallburrow (The Drowned Ruins)
1x Wandering Took (Core Set)
1x Warden of Healing (The Long Dark)
Attachment (8)
3x Hobbit Pipe (The Black Riders)
3x Resourceful (The Watcher in the Water)
2x Song of Eärendil (Road to Rivendell)
Event (21)
3x A Test of Will (Core Set)
3x Daeron's Runes (Foundations of Stone)
3x Feint (Core Set)
3x Hasty Stroke (Core Set)
3x Raise the Shire (The Mountain of Fire)
3x Smoke Rings (The Black Riders)
3x The Galadhrim's Greeting (Core Set)
Player Side Quest (2)
1x Double Back (Escape from Mount Gram)
1x Gather Information (The Lost Realm)
3 Heroes, 50 Cards
Cards up to The Mountain of Fire
Ally (3)
1x Arwen Undómiel (The Watcher in the Water)
1x Gandalf (Over Hill and Under Hill)
1x Rosie Cotton (The Mountain of Fire)
Attachment (11)
3x Doughty Ranger (Beneath the Sands)
2x Fast Hitch (The Dead Marshes)
3x Good Meal (The Redhorn Gate)
3x Wingfoot (The Nîn-in-Eilph)
In this one I push way too far the hobbit trait with 11 hobbit allies who are based on different mechanics:
- Bilbo + pipe
- Wandering took + song of aerendil
- Halfling Bounder + the side quest
I probably play too many of them but I want to offer them a time to shine. If they don't I will get back to classic great allies as listed below in the solo build.
I also made a decklist for the black riders team with raise the shire ( but I finally stay on a classic secrecy build ( ).
If you have any recommendations/criticisms they are welcome. If you just can enjoy this decklist because it give you any idea to build your deck it is great too (don't hesitate to comment or like so it give me motivation to post my deck the same way the next time) :).
Edited by Rouxxortry to repair links