It's Another Day (Article day?)

By TallGiraffe, in Runewars Miniatures Game

Seems like there will be a gap of releases now that all 4 factions are out. I see lots of stuff still in development. But they should be announcing new units for elves and Uthuk I would think.

If they stick to form we're expecting one more for Elves and two more for Uthuk?

I'm also impatient for the preview articles for Uthuk units we know are coming.

And, I'm really looking forward to what might be coming next once the armies all have their core+2 units. I'm hoping they start releasing some legendary units. Would be awesome to paint up and field a Barrow Wyrm!

So it looks like legion is mostly out of the bag and should be quiet for now until closer to release, Armada now got its long awaited articles. That makes me think we should be next in line. Here's hoping for an article by Friday.

Some new heroes or new units would be nice.