RtL Avatar upgrades

By dragontamer, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

The RtL rulebook mentions that there are 35 Avatar upgrades. Also it says that there are 15 of them used for all avatars and 5 special for each avatar.How can this be possible? I mean if there were 5 for each, then there would have been 45 cards... How many do you have?

I beleive they are including the lieutenants in the avatar upgrades. That means each personal lietanant is a unique upgrade and each of the "any avatar" lieutenants are generic upgrades.

Not sure what this means about the 35 total thing. Probably a mistype from 45. I was wondering the same thing after reading each avatar has 5 unique upgrades, and read somewhere in the rules that this included lieutenants.

I agree, the LTs are definitely upgrades. They're purchased the same way as upgrades (and count for your purchase that turn), they have CT cost like everything else. I also agree that saying 35 instead of 45 was a mistake in the rulebook. Perhaps the proofreader forgot to count LTs as upgrades too. ;)

ok thanks!