Question about Manipulate force power

By KhanaOtt, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG

So, this may be a stupid question, but I was curious what people thought. So I'm playing a Intelligence based support character, and I've recently gained the Manipulate power. However, when I was debating what to get, my GM suggested it because I could use the Strength upgrades to heal Hull Trauma. However, I took a detailed look at the power itself and it doesn't say anything about Hull Trauma. It only says wounds, which I would assume would only be usable with Droids. But my main point for taking it was the possibility to heal Hull Trauma, but since I'm a slicer, it also gives me mechanic abilities. Should I bring this up to my GM and see what he suggests? Should I play it as he suggested? Should I not use it for healing Hull Trauma at all? I have high enough skill points in Mechanics that I'm sure we could work something out if it was super important. ie. Taking strain to use the power to heal Hull Trauma. What would people suggest I do/Suggest I offer as a compromise?

Yeah it's not good for directly healing Hull Trauma, but it is good for dealing with System Strain, and can indirectly help with the whole Hull Trauma thing by making your Mechanics checks better. You can also commit a Force Die to increase the Hull Trauma threshold, which is pretty sick.

Also could be worth the occasional point of conflict for an extra 1-2 successes per force die from adding force dice to Mechanics.