I have seen a lot of arguments and counter-arguments regarding how certain cards work or may work, some of them substantiated by personal email received from devs. It is necessary to point out that those emails are NOT official answers and can not be considered official rulings.
I like exemplify it with the case of Borderlands Fortifications and Strongholds: here is the answer from Nate French (received by Gaffa) and here is the official ruling , posted and stickied in this very forum. Both of those answers are signed by Nate French, however only one of them has the official FFG's seal ofapproval.
I do believe the devs answering personal emails do it with the best interests in mind, nonetheless FFG may disregard their interpretations and go another way. I do not wish to fathom the reasons nor is it relevant. What we must remember is that there are only one official document that gives the official interpretation of the cards: the Rules Reference . It will be updated regularly, that has been confirmed, and is currently in version 1.01, and should be the basis of all discussions regarding card interpretation.
Even with the Rules Reference , there is still room for interpretation and discussion, opening many possibilities for topics and replies, only within the official framework in order not to confuse players even further.
Edited by Mirumoto Kuroniten