Duplicates of Hero Miniatures

By blacknight7, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I just got the Wells of Darkness and found out that I got two Brother Glyr miniatures and did not get the Nanok of the Blade. Is there a way that I could possibly get that model? Or am I pretty much SOL? I honestly was kinda disappointed since Nanok looks so cool on the card!!!

If anyone knows who I could contact or any suggestions that would be great! Thanks!

ProtoPersona said:

Send an email to FFG customer support. I was in the same boat on Warcraft, and they sent me a replacement for free.


Ditto. I missed One-fist and had two Mordrogs instead.

One of my bane-spiders fell off its base, a pretty simple fix, but Thaadd replaced it anyways :)


Thaadd and company at FFG support are top notch. They'll get you fixed up. As others have mentioned, just them a email and tell them the problem.

i got Well of Darkness also, i got 7 figs, dups of 2 and none of that awesome wizard