My Rebels Expansion Idea

By Tailsgod, in Star Wars: Rebellion

Okay so i will admit that this is based off of

But It got me really thinking about my rebels expansion idea and well I now have spent A LOT of time thinking about it and I have a pretty good idea of what kinda of things I would add from the rebels show.

So lets start off with what would be included

Obviously the first would be Leaders
This expansion would be fairly big so it would actually add 6 leaders on each side: 3 admirals 3 generals

This will also add 4 new troops for each side

14 Missions for each side

2 Project cards

12 new objectives

And it will add a new mechanic that I will get into later

Leaders for Factions (A)=Admiral (G)=General


(A) Hera : 2 Red 1 Yellow 2 Small Red 3 space 1 Ground

(G) Kanan : 1 Blue 1 Red 1 Small Red and Blue 1 space 2 Ground

(A) Sabine : 1 Red 2 Small Blue 2 space 1 Ground

(G) Ahsoka: 2 Blue 2 Red 2 small blue 1 Space 1 Ground

(A) Sato: 1 System 2 Blue 2 Small Yellow 3 Space 0 Ground

(G) Rex: 2 Red 2 Small Red 0 Space 3 Ground


(A) Thrawn : 3 Blue 2 Small Blue 3 Space 1 Ground

(A) Konstatine: 1 Blue 1 Red 1 2 Space 1 Ground

(G) Inquisitor: 3 Red 1 Space 1Ground

(G) Kallus: 2 Red 1Blue 2 small blue 1 Space 2 Ground

(G) Pryce : 2 Yellow 1 Blue 2 small yellow 1 Space 1Ground

(A) Brom Titus 1 System 2 Blue 2 small blue 2 Space 1 Ground

Recruit Cards:


Hera : Chopper : Instant- Put the chopper ring on this leader. When on a (blue) mission if you fail you may discard the chopper ring to reattempt that mission

Hera + Kanan: The Ghost : Instant- Put a Ghost Ring on this leader. Once per space combat the ghost can cancel a red or black dice

Kanan : Bendu's Wisdom : Special - When you draw an objective card you may play this card to put that objective at the bottom of the deck and draw a new one

Sabine : Heir to the Darksaber: Assignment- Put this leader on Mandolore and place two (triangle) and one (circle) ground units on Mandolore. Resolve Combat

Sabine + Sato: Fighting for More: Assignment- The Leader pool limit is increased by 1 until the end of the game.

Sato : Tactical Retreat: Special - When you retreat you ma y recover up to two health of units that were destroyed in combat. If you do discard this card.

Ahsoka : Fulcrum: Instant - Place a fulcrum ring on this leader. The first mission this leader opposes a discard this ring and that mission automatically fails.

Ahsoka + Rex : Experience Out Ranks Everything: Special- Discard this card to reroll 2 dice during a mission or combat

Rex : Old Clone: Special- During combat discard this card to destroy three (triangle) ground units


Thrawn : A plan executed to perfection : Assignment : Activate a system and move any imperial units from adjacent systems to this system. If there is combat resolve it. Then return this leader back to the leader pool. He may not be assigned to a mission this round but can be used to activate another system.

Thrawn + Kallus : Rooting out the spy: Assignment: Choose a leader. That leader is now a rebel leader. Put the capture ring on them if it is available and place them as well as this leader in any system who's probe card you have. The rebel leader has to tell you if the rebel base is adjacent.

Kallus: ISB's Best : Assignment: Place this leader in any system with rebel loyalty. Draw two probe cards

Inquisitor : Some Things are worse than Death: Special : If a mission fails with this leader on it you may sacrifice this leader. If you do recruit another leader this turn.

Pryce + Inquisitor : Requesting Imperial Aide : Assignment : Place this leader in any populous system with imperial loyalty. Advance the build Queue.

Pryce : Friends in high places : Assignment : Place this leader in any populus system with no loyalty and no rebel units. Gain one loyalty.

Konstatine : Proud Defiance: Special : During Combat discard this card to destroy two (circle) rebel ships

Konstatine + Brom Titus: Loyal Ambition : Special: If there is combat in an adjacent system you may discard this card and place the leader as well as any units within their system into the adjacent system. Resolve Combat

Brom Titus: Brilliant Prototypes : Assignment: Place this leader in any Imperial System that has a blue (square) build. Search through your project deck. Pick one card and place it on the top of the deck.

Rebel Mission Cards will be posted next

Edited by Tailsgod

Rebel Mission Cards

  1. Subversion
  2. Friends in low places : 1 System : Resolve in any remote system that contains no imperial units. Place 4 (Triangle) in this system
  3. Leading The Fight : 1 System : Resolve in any populous system. Gain 3 (triangle) and 2 (circle) units and two loyalty. Eliminate this leader.
  4. Finding Allies: 1 System : Resolve in any one system where the rebels have succeeded a combat or a mission this turn. Draw two recruit cards and choose a leader to recruit in this system
  5. (1) Uniting the Cells: 3 Yellow: Attempt in any Rebel System. If successful add to the build queue from all the systems in the region that do not have imperial loyalty.
  6. (2) Desperate Allies: 2 Yellow : Attempt in any system that contains a Star Destroyer, Super Star Destroyer, or Death Star. If successful choose two systems in the region. They gain 1 Rebel Loyalty
  7. (1) Heroic Rescue: 3 Blue : Attempt in any system that contains a captured leader. If successful, rescue that leader and shuffle the card back into your deck. If unsuccessful return this mission card to the top of your deck.
  8. (2) Destroy the probes : 2 blue: Attempt in any system that contains imperial units. If successful return 5 probe cards back into the probe deck. If Unsuccessful the imperial player draws one probe card.
  9. (1) Heroic Distraction: 2 Red: Attempt in any system. If Successful activate any one adjacent system that contains imperial units. Move the units into this system
  10. (2) Hit and Run : 1 Red: Attempt in any system that contains an imperial unit. If successful place a hit and run target on a star destroyer, interdictor or super star destroyer. The next time this ship is in combat it will have two damage on it.

Rebel Leader Mission Cards

Hera : The Test: 2 Red: Attempt in any system that contains an imperial unit, if successful destroy 3 health worth of space ships

Kanan : Seeking Guidance: 1 Blue: Attempt in any remote system, if successful draw two mission cards and place one at the bottom of the deck. If one of the cards is seek yoda keep both.

Sabine : Mandolorian Aid: 1 Red: Attempt in Mandolore, if successful add 3 (triangle) Units to the rebel base. If it is revealed place them at the rebel base's system

Ahsoka: Heroic Return: 2 Blue: Reveal this card when a mission is opposed by an imperial leader. Choose to send this leader to the system to aide. If Ahsoka Tano is sent add two successes to the roll.

Sato: Organize the fleet: 1 System: Resolve in the rebel base. Place two (triangle) units and one (circle) unit. If Sato resolves this mission add one (square)

Rex: Hold the line: 2 Red: Attempt in any subjected system. If successful place three (triangle) ground units on the planet. If Rex attempts this mission destroy three health worth of imperial units as well.

I really like your ideas. I wish FFG made something similar.

  1. Subversion
  2. (2) Advanced Prototype : 1 System : Resolve in any system. Move anything from the three or two build queue down by one
  3. Punishing Incompetency : 1 System : Resolve in any subjected system. Gain one loyalty and place two (triangle) units there.
  4. Rewarding Ingenuity: 1 System : Send this leader to oppose a rebel leader's mission or combat, if successful draw two recruit cards and choose one leader to recruit, if failed just draw one card and recruit the leader this round.
  5. (1) Suppressing Speech: 3 Yellow: Attempt in any Subjegated system, if successful gain two loyalty in that system and place 1 (triangle) unit there.
  6. (2) Empire Day: 2 Yellow : Attempt in any system that does has imperial loyalty or imperial units. If successful put units on the build queue equal to that systems build value.
  7. (1) Setting the trap: 3 Blue : Attempt in any system with imperial units. If successful Choose up to two leaders in the opponents leader pool and place them in this system.
  8. (2) Loyalty Officer Inspection : 2 blue: Attempt in any system with imperial loyalty or subjugation. If Successful draw 1 probe card and one mission card
  9. (1) Crush Them: 3 Red: Attempt in any system with rebel units. If successful destroy five health of units there or eliminate a leader.
  10. (2)Fear and Power : 2 Red: Attempt against a captured leader. If successful draw two probe cards.

Imperial Leader Mission Cards

Thrawn : Process of Elimination: 3 Blue: Attempt in any imperial system. If successful the rebel player must name one non imperial system that doesn't contain imperial units that the rebel base is not. If Thrawn is used the rebel player must name a region where there is at least one planet the empire doesn't control or have units in.

Konstatine : Imperial Loyalty: 1 Red: Attempt in any system that has rebel loyalty or units. If successful move any number of troops from any one system as if they were adjacent. Resolve Combat.

Kallus : ISB Crackdown: 1 Blue Attempt in any system that has a rebel leader. If successful detain ALL leaders there.

Pryce: Securing the Government: 2 Yellow: Attempt in any system that has rebel loyalty. If successful gain two loyalty and return any rebel units there to the rebel base. If Pryce completed this mission destroy those units.

Inquisitor: Hunting the Jedi: 3 red: Attempt against any captured leader, if successful eliminate the rebel leader Use ALL skill icons in this attempt. If the leader is Ahsoka Tano reduce rebel reputation by one.

Brom Titus: Personal Project: 1 System: Resolve in a system with imperial loyalty. Draw one project card, if Brom Titus resolves this mission search through the deck for one project card instead.

Edit: Thank You! I hope so too I really like rebels and rebllion lol
Also next up on the list new troops!

Edited by Tailsgod

I'd give Thrawn more tactic values: 4 to 5 space and 2-3 ground. Maybe it's because he is my favorite villain though.

1 hour ago, Pappkristof said:

I'd give Thrawn more tactic values: 4 to 5 space and 2-3 ground. Maybe it's because he is my favorite villain though.

That's probably the fan talking

in the end though I don't think I could give him anymore without making him a bit op

lord knows this already probably has a ton of problems as it is with balance lol

Edited by Tailsgod

I'd love a Rebels expansion for this game. id be happy if they added more map tiles to the game, like you get in the BSG game. We could have Lothal and planets surrounding the whole series added onto a map tile that's accessible from a certain location or even work it into the game so that a small rebel base is there and if found it gives the empire various bonuses. Il have to have a thibk of how it could work

Well this took me a bit longer than it should have


4 for each side

Big Old Pack with a ton of miniatures lets go.

Rebel Troops


A-Wing - Blue Triangle Attack: 2 Green Health: 1 Black

B-Wing - Blue Circle Attack: 2 Red Health: 1 Black


Bothan Spies- Yellow Circle Attack: nothing Health: 2 Black
If a bothan spy is in an imperial world with no imperial ground troops, you can move it to the rebel base and look at the top card of the objective deck and may put that card at the bottom of the deck.

AAC Speeder Tank- Yellow Square Attack: One Red One Green Health: 2 Red

Imperial Troops


Defender - Project Card Attack: 2 Green 1 Black Health: 2 Black

Bomber - Blue Circle Attack: 1 Red Health: 1 Black
This bomber can assign its hits to ground units.


Scout Troopers - Yellow Triangle: Attack: 1 Green Health: 1 Black
This unit can be spawned non-populus planets that contain an imperial unit

Flame Troopers - Yellow Circle: Attack: 2 Black Health: 1 Black


Next Up: The new Project cards......

Its defenders, the project card is add two defenders to the build queue at spot 3 of the build queue

Project Cards

2x Defenders: Put Two Defenders on space 3 of the build queue

edit 2:
Last up Objective cards!!!! And the new mechanic

Edited by Tailsgod

The new objective cards

5 Level 1

4 Level 2

3 Level 3

Level 1

1 The Support of the People: Start of Refresh Phase: Play if at least three subjugated systems have rebel loyalty

1 Hitting Them Hard and Fast: Combat: Play if 3 health of imperial space units have been destoyed in combat that you initiated

1 Strength of the Cause : Combat: Play after 5 health of Imperial Units (ground or space) are destroyed in a combat that you did NOT initiate

1 Mission Success: Special: Start of Refresh: Play if at least three rebel (non-resolve) missions succeed in this turn

1 Free Ryloth Movement: Start of Refresh : Play if at least 5 units in Ryloth

Level 2

0 Getting Aid : Immediate: The Rebel Leader pool is increased by 1

1 Rally Aid: Start of Refresh : Play if at least one planet has been destroyed by the death star

2 United Front : Start of Refresh: Play if there are at least 12 rebel units in the rebel base

1 Rebel Cohesion: Start of Refresh: Play if all rebel systems have no sabotage markers on them (at least 4, the rebel base does not count)

Level 3

1 Stirring Dissent: Start of Refresh: Play if at least 5 imperial systems contain a rebel unit or sabotage marker

2 Inspiring Hope : Start of Refresh: Play if a leader was eliminated this turn

* Speaking Out : Immediate: Place a leader from your leader pool into a subjected system, you can choose not to return them to your leader pool during the refresh phase as long as the system is still subjegated. For every turn that they are in this system and not captured gain 1 reputation

And Finally the new Mechanic

Each player gains three new rings

A Ring with 1 Red

A Ring with 1 Yellow

A Ring with 1 Blue

During the assignment phase you can assign one of your leaders to either the rebel base if your a rebel or coruscant if your imperial.

If you do you can attach one of these rings on the character.
These rings give a bonus to the characters rolls equal to the symbol on them.

This new mechanic is called preparation.

And that's it everybody. My idea for a rebels expansion. I would love to hear your suggestions and thoughts on it!

Edited by Tailsgod