NPC tracker sheet?

By gdotbat, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

So my games tend to have a lot of NPC's, important NPC's, but I find that my group has a hard time remembering who is who. I am starting up a new campaign here shortly and I figured it would be useful to have an NPC tracker sheet that my players can hang on to and reference freely.

I have seen some custom NPC sheets floating about but for the most part these seem more geared to the GM, spaces for stats and what not, but I just need something simple, a spot for a mugshot, name and maybe a brief description.

Has anyone made anything or seen anything like this in the sleek EotE style? Sure I can make something quick and ugly and print it out, but I would really like something cool looking with the EotE borders and graphics.


You can find the EotE Style Guide here , which will go a long ways toward achieving the look you want. Sounds like a simple Word document (or equivalent) would be the way to go.

In the past, when I've needed to track what's going on with a campaign (especially as a player) I've used a one page wiki, like TiddlyWiki (

You download the single html file and then can just use a browser to add/edit information in the various "tiddlers" that make up the site content. You can link from one tiddler to another, so a player could write up a summary of the adventure and when they use an NPCs name, link the name to the tiddler that is for that NPC.

It is customizable, so you can change the look and feel of it to make it more like EotE or whatnot.