I believe that there is a misunderstanding in our last game about what constitutes the conflict and I was looking for clarification. In a game the other night, I just let my challenger have their way with it and let it go.
They were attacking my province with
Akodo Toturi - reaction : after you claim a ring during a military conflict in which this character is participating - resolve that ring's effect.
And I played
Hiruma Abusher - After this character enters play as a defender, choose a character - that character's abilities cannot be triggered during this conflict.
However he mentioned that the conflict was over by the time that Akodo's ability fires so it would do nothing. Glancing at the timing chart however it would seem that the conflict isn't over until everything has been resolved including claiming the ring and bowing characters. So I gave in and my character had no effect ambushing in.
Was my assumption right in that the conflict was not over and Akodo would be affected? Or was the lion player in the right?