The Starship of Your Group

By Seguleh, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

46 minutes ago, Underachiever599 said:

There's quite a difference between verbally attacking someone and being condescending. You were the latter, not the former. You did outright call my GMing decision "just stupid" after all. You can excuse me for being somewhat offended when you were calling my decisions stupid without knowing the full context. I just wanted to keep this thread on a more lighthearted note, rather than have people throwing insults at each other.

You misread. I said that expectations that the droid and pilot would be using the lightsabers was stupid. That's why I suggested the difference between individual and group assets/rewards.

I'm currently drifting between a very aged Citadel (Combat Focus), a Loronar E-9 in disrepair (Explorer Focus), a Ghtroc 720 (Smuggler Focus & Jack of all trades) and a slightly undermaintained Wayfarer (Cargo / HQ Ship Focus) for my players.

I'll see if thats a good idea, but from the character setup all of these focuses could be interesting to my group I think (consisting of a Gadgeteer, Executioner, Scoundrel and Archeologist).

There are only a few reasons why the kst-100 wouldn't be the go to starting ship for most parties.

6 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

There are only a few reasons why the kst-100  wouldn't be the go to starting ship for most parties.

Yep, but optics is definitely one (but thats probably an unpopular opinion of mine).

2 hours ago, Fl1nt said:

Yep, but optics is definitely one (but thats probably an unpopular opinion of mine).

Did you mean that you didn't like the short range sensors or you didn't like the way it looked? If the latter, name a ship that looks like way you want.

I figure this might be a good place to get some attention

Ever since Fully Operational came out and the general assessment was the ship crafting rules were poorly executed I've been working on

Woe freaky that it inserted that picture, and I can't get it not to....

Anyway the core ideas behind the fully operational vehicle crafting rules were very solid but they didn't put enough time or effort into getting them to work, so with the help of the community I've been iteratively refining them, fixing the next biggest problem over and over again with the goal of being able to reproduce 95% of official ships with a 95% quality match, and while the rules should be able to let you make a ship that's good at anything (variety) it won't be good at everything (so power levels comparable to official ships).

now I would encourage anyone who is looking for a ship and not finding quite what they like to give the nubian design collective rules a try and really try to break/abuse them and tell me about it in that thread because I can't fix problems that I don't know exist and there is too much flexibility in the rules for me to run down every corner case on my own. But a lot of eyes makes any bug shallow. Thanks for your time and consideration.

Edited by EliasWindrider

The team's daily driver is the Leap of Faith, a trusty YT-1300 with a few upgrades here and there. Back at a Rebel-friendly shadowport, there's a Gozanti carrier undergoing refit.

The Current ship is a WAyfarer Medium Transport that had part of the Presurized cargo hold converted into holding Passengers. Named the "Yuna Puna" (First class in huttese). Was hastly painted over cause the other paint job was done by a color blind nausarian.

Thier other ship they got from Long Arm of the Hutt. Has a persistent smell of rotting wookiee flesh. Players named it "The Epsilon Explorer" unknown to them the Former Trandoshen Owner had a Gammorean lover whole is also a famous Opera singer and has been looking for the ship and her love. Any Despair rolled while operating the ship will start blasting her songs over the internal speakers.

On 5/10/2019 at 2:17 PM, EliasWindrider said:

Did you mean that you didn't like the short range sensors or you didn't like the way it looked? If the latter, name a ship that looks like way you want.

I mean I dont like the looks, (or atleast from the images I could find). But thats only personal preference 😃

12 hours ago, Fl1nt said:

I mean I dont like the looks, (or atleast from the images I could find). But thats only personal preference 😃

I personally love the way it looks in many of the drawings, but hate it in others where it doesn't even look like the same ship.

I realized that as our group uses a wiki, there is a fairly comprehensive, if somewhat disjointed history of our Ghtroc 720. As it's from a wiki, there's a lot of unexplained namedropping. Sorry about that.

A rugged Ghtroc 720that's seen better days, this ship was first encountered on Cholganna, debased and crudely modified by the cult of Zorlon, who at least gave it a decent Quad Laser Cannon. After Zorlon's defeat, however, it was taken over by Sera Orsol, Sil Nu and Hergo Kryat together with a few former cultists desperate to escape the planet. The ship was by then infested with strange vines and flowers, and got a thorough cleaning out on Ithaqua Station, though lingering problems remained with one of the shuttles.

Upon arrival at Toola, Sil Nu registered the ship as Bombaasa's Legacy, after a Jedi Master she served with in the clone wars.

The ship and its crew next embarked on a mission for the Pyke Syndicate, sustaining heavy damage in a dramatic escape from Raxus Prime, but soldiering on through hyperspace towards an Unknown planet. No one has yet managed to figure out how the coordinates to this strange planet ended up in the ship's computer.

The ship's main flaw is that the internal illumination frequently seems to go out, even from minor hits. Luckily, this activates a set of emergency lights, albeit with an eerie and dim red glow. The shields are also quite prone to failing and the excellent caf maker has been hastily and brutally converted to a moonshine still. On the other hand, Sera has installed a Astrogation Droid Brain that formerly went as RO-110, salvaged from the wreckage of Zalummu on Cholganna.

After suffering several crashes on Cholganna and Tython the general appearance of the ship is quite far from pristine. Everything that was straight is bent. Everything that was bent is benter. Aesthetic matters are not helped by Hergo's penchant for beating battle damage back into submission. Amazingly enough, it still flies.

After the misadventures on Tython Serachanged the name of the ship to Rampike, as to not undue imperial attention to themselves. Almost immediately afterwards they were boarded by the Star Destroyer Devastator.

During a hasty retreat from Vulpter, Rampike's antennas and cannon were damaged when the ship was accidentally rammed into a grain transport, a garbage barge and a rather large adverisement board while escaping Charbi Port Security. Later, the gun was ripped clean off when some idiot decided to detonate a singularity reactor in it's vicinity, necessating yet another hasty retreat.

After suffering even more damage during the imperial attack on the Herglic exile fleet, the ship has gotten some much needed repairs and the main gun has been replaced. Through the machinations of AP-L3 the repairs were completed on Ord Mantell by an enthusiastic jawa crew, leaving the poor ship more unsightly than ever, but also upgraded with enhanced armor of best jawa quality. Rampike was ridiculously heavily armored for a civilian ship and, not very nimble to begin with, now had the agility of a pregnant bantha with three broken legs.

TB2-1B also cleared out the port economy berth in order to turn it into a medbay, which soon sprawled into the port cargo bay. While it looked rather improvised and cramped, it was quite well equipped and even got a fully functional bacta tank. The starboard berth was in turn upgraded with a fourth bunk for even less privacy.

Since the ship was almost completely repaired on Ord Mantell, fate quickly intervened to rectify this. During a clash with imperial forces the ship's newly installed cannon was disabled by the Second Sister's lightsaber, which was later repaired at the Rusthole.

After losing contact with the rest of the crew, Kero Tish, TB2-1B and M1-GRL hid Rampike deep under the Red Light District of Nar Shaddaa. They reluctantly sold the ship's ion drives and quad cannon in order to finance the conversion of most of the ship into a sprawling underground clinic/laboratory, where TB2-1B patched up people while working tireless on his bizarre projects. When the rest of the crew managed to catch up, there was scant amusement.

As it turns out, the ship originally belonged to the Ez clan and was named Killer's Killer, until Chorr Ez lost it in an otherwise rather pedestrian Sabacc game.

The crew had a sudden and unexpected windfall after betting on themselves winning a gravball game they were forced into playing and decided to spend a good chunk of it restoring their ship. As is her way, Sera got a bit carried away with the project and led her compatriots in rebuilding not only the engines, but also redesigning the hull to allow for an advanced thrust vectoring system of her own design. With that in place, and the jawa armor scrapped, the ship is now possibly the nimblest Ghtroc 720 in the outer rim.

A new quad gun was also installed, and at Chorr's insistance a flak cannon was added in a new belly mount, accessible from the ring corridor.

On the inside, TB's medbay was expanded into the entire port cargo hold, with the forward part serving as "cybernetics lab" (if you ask TB) or an "machine shop/armoury" (if you ask Sera). This allowed both economy berths to be returned to their original three-bed configuration.

To top the project off, the transponder was replaced with one from another decomissioned Ghtroc, the Bladderbird, and recomissioned as the Battlebird, under the ownership of Kero Tish, who had both a bounty hunter license to explain the weaponry as well as clean a criminal record to avoid undue attention.

The hull is currently uncharacteristically unblemished, although lacking a coat of paint. For now, the bare polished metal leaves the ship with a striking, shiny look. It probably won't last. It never lasts.

Also, it has an custom attachment.

Xim the Despot dashboard bobblehead

Base Modifier: Xim has joined the crew. All hail Xim!
Modification Options: None! Xim cannot be improved!
Hard Points Required: 0