The Starship of Your Group

By Seguleh, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Our crew of 6 (4 PC's w/ 1 NPC & 1 Droid) is flying a YT-2000 called the Cobalt Star .

It's eerily similar to the YT-1300 that I would prefer, but subtly better.

IIRC, we picked up an upgraded .5 Hyperdrive for the primary FTL drive & upgraded Ion Drives, but we have room to grow still.

The weapons are stock (now) but our ships purse is empty, but we have $40,000 in AR.

Unfortunately, an Inquisitor that we ran into recently "commandeered" our ship for Imperial Military use so our title is clouded just now . . .

Currently a K ossak class Frigate provided to our rebel privateer band by a Hutt who wants the Empire taken out because about 12 BBY many of the older pirate bands he was supporting for a share of their profits were wiped out by the Imperial starfleet drastically reducing his income at a time he really needed all the credits he could get

The group I joined originally started off in a Lancer Pursuit Craft (ND pg 61). They really liked the speed, but we came to realize that other than that it didn't really have anything going for it. Too fragile to be a good fighting ship, no cargo space to speak of, and not even much in the way of crew/passenger capacity made for a problematic ship. Even the special rule Fire Control System didn't do much given that we had multiple decent gunners. I think the only attachment we got for that one was a Smuggling Compartment.

After hitting it big we got rid of the Lancer and picked up a YT-2400, which is a good all-rounder even if it's not as fast as I'd like, and then modded the bejezus out of it.

We crammed those 5 hard points full of Advanced Targeting Array, Cloaked Smuggling Bays, Encrypted Computers, Gunner Droid Brain, High Output Ion Turbines, Pressurized Universal Docking System, Security Measures, and a Slicing Computer. We also replaced the decent basic weaponry with a quad laser and a pair of heavy laser cannons, meaning we can punch at longer range (especially with the Advanced Targeting, sniper shot) and probably can make full use of all those linked qualities.

I personally wanted a C-Roc, since it's an absurdly good ship for the price, but the group didn't want to go up to Sil 5 and have to hire a bunch of NPC crew.

Edited by Spatula Of Doom

Ah soory I was sure the Wayfarer was smaller !

1 hour ago, Rosco74 said:

Ah soory I was sure the Wayfarer was smaller !

Not to worry - in most pics it looks smaller. Until you look at the scaled deck plans, that is! :)

I've added them here, side-by-side, scaled to the same 1.5m / square size. As you can see, once they're scaled, the Paragon can almost fit inside the Wayfinder's cargo bay! :)


I gave my group the choice between a GHTROC 720, a YT-1210 and a Starlight freighter. They picked the GHTROC and stuck with it for the entire 2 year campaign. They upgraded the cannon, added some smuggling compartments and tuned up the sublight drives as well as installing a holding cell, bar fridge and chest freezer. The heavy armour, good cargo space and spacious crew quarters are what attracted them to the ship.

Wow! The C-ROC Gozanti-class Light Cruiser is so impressive from its stats that i almost think that the price is a typo! Add one Zero and it sounds reasonable.

As a GM, I gave them an HWK-1000, not realizing how valuable/insane the ship was.

Now, every time I throw space combat at them, they use chase rules before either side can fire a shot.

On 9/9/2017 at 8:49 AM, Daronil said:

I'm not sure where I got them from - I think it was posted on these forums by someone, but I can't for the life of me think of who it was. Anyway, I've put them into OggDude's record keeper - here's the output of the stock ship; I hope it's useful for you! :)

Paragon class.PNG

Thanks a bunch. It gives me something to play with while I sit there waiting for Irma :o

good luck with that! stupid hurricane should stay on the ocean were it belongs...

Edited by Seguleh

Now I just realized i should have asked another question about the Paragon -class. Is the cargo area on the port side detachable like the one on a Wayfarer -class?

12 hours ago, Spatula Of Doom said:

The group I joined originally started off in a Lancer Pursuit Craft (ND pg 61). They really liked the speed, but we came to realize that other than that it didn't really have anything going for it. Too fragile to be a good fighting ship, no cargo space to speak of, and not even much in the way of crew/passenger capacity made for a problematic ship. Even the special rule Fire Control System didn't do much given that we had multiple decent gunners. I think the only attachment we got for that one was a Smuggling Compartment.

After hitting it big we got rid of the Lancer and picked up a YT-2400, which is a good all-rounder even if it's not as fast as I'd like, and then modded the bejezus out of it.

We crammed those 5 hard points full of Advanced Targeting Array, Cloaked Smuggling Bays, Encrypted Computers, Gunner Droid Brain, High Output Ion Turbines, Pressurized Universal Docking System, Security Measures, and a Slicing Computer. We also replaced the decent basic weaponry with a quad laser and a pair of heavy laser cannons, meaning we can punch at longer range (especially with the Advanced Targeting, sniper shot) and probably can make full use of all those linked qualities.

I personally wanted a C-Roc, since it's an absurdly good ship for the price, but the group didn't want to go up to Sil 5 and have to hire a bunch of NPC crew.

That's one of the reasons why I love the YZ-900 so much. Even though it's Silhouette 5, it only requires a total crew requirement of 8, including gunners. Give it some droid brains and some astromech droids and you can get the crew requirement down to one (plus two gunners for the turrets).

7 hours ago, ThreeBFour said:

Now I just realized i should have asked another question about the Paragon -class. Is the cargo area on the port side detachable like the one on a Wayfarer -class?

I'm not sure that's detachable - at least in a hurry - but it is customisable. There are other versions out there, such as a passenger pod, a VIP suite, a medical suite, etc.

I've linked to a couple of variants below. I bought the full hard-copy deckplans a couple of years ago, and they're terrific. But the image files are handy because I can snip out bits I want and swap them around, customising the ship.

Medical bay, including bacta tanks (this is the Undine , which was created as an underwater-compatible variant)

Passenger bay and VIP suite

Take care with that friggin' hurricane, too.

Edited by Daronil
8 hours ago, ThreeBFour said:

Thanks a bunch. It gives me something to play with while I sit there waiting for Irma :o

Hey at least she gave you some warning. I got to say 'What do you mean Harvey is a cat 4?' Then it poured out for 4 days straight

Take care with those cains!

We have two games...

First is aor and we have a css that we found full of battle droids which we reprogrammed then had to use as a shield to flee from the Empire and effectively loaned the ship to the rebellion, a 'smuggler friend's ' hwk 290 and a beat up xwing we found then sold for money for cargo which we traded and bought an interceptor iv brand new from cec and 4 new modular fighters... course this list also isn't including the gozanti that we liberated from the Empire and gave to the rebellion nor it's twin which we blew up.

So there we effectively have 2 sil 5 ships and 5 sil 3 ships

Then in our FnD game we have a g9 due to it having enough weapons and crew requirements that we all have a job while flying.. however we passed on an e9 because our pilot is attached to her ship, and almost had a pathfinder but the rebellion... requested... It to help evacuate a planet before the Empire destroyed it to try and eradicate the rebel cell that had been causing too much ruckus.

I really like the interceptor iv for its encumberance value but think a c-roc or 3 would probably be better for us... if we had enough npcs to crew them.

On 09/09/2017 at 10:41 AM, Rosco74 said:

Hello, could you please give us the basic stats for the Dynamic freighter? As there is no official stats yet


Apologies Rosco74, only just checked back on this thread... And thanks Tramp Graphics fire providing the stats :D

I used LibrarianNPC's stats from his thread (think it's on one of the first 5 pages of that)... Similar to these but I think the hyperdrive was a lot slower!

Here's LibrarianNPC's stats for the Dynamic Class...

Dynamic -class Light Freighter


Era: Old Republic

Hull type: Light Freighter

Ship Class: Dynamic -class freighter

Manufacturer: An unnamed Core Galaxy Systems subsidiary

Hyperdrive: x3

Navcomp: Yes

Sensor Range: Short

Ship's Complement: Pilot; Co-pilot. Optional: Gunners (2)

Encumbrance Capacity: 130 (60 tons)

Passenger Capacity: 4-6

Consumables: 2 months

Cost/Rarity: 80,000 credits (30,000 used)/8

Customization Hard Points: 5

Silhouette: 4

Speed: 3

Handling: -1

Defense: 1/0

Armor: 3

Hull Threshold: 21

System Threshold: 16


Port and Starboard Mounted Medium Laser Cannons (Fire Arc Turret; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Close])

Creator’s Note: The only one of these we get to see is the Ebon Hawk , which is a heavily modified vehicle. I tried to tone it down to a “proper” scale for being fresh off of the production floor while still giving it the Hard Points needed to match something like the Hawk (2 HP for the two other guns, and another 2-3 to cover speed, armor/shields, handling, and/or compartments).

The stats seems to be adequat considering this ship is so old! I think the stock version should have at least one dorsal turret.

Otherwise I think it's pretty close to what I gave to my players. This was and is still their home ship. They just have a workbench installed for now.

Yeah I thought that as well, so I swapped out the port & starboard laser canons & replaced it with a double (linked) medium laser in a dorsal turret :)

We are still to play EotE proper, since we only tested a patched up version of Scape from Mos Shutta, but we have been playing star wars related games for a while now.

The last (Scape from Mos Shutta) ship was christened the Saruman , after I insisted that they do NOT chose a lord of the rings related name. the wonders of reverse psychology. It is an IT 1000 since they are a small party (3 players).

I am slowly developing the base for a single player that yesterday told me that he is considering Far Horizon as the name of his ship (probably an A24 sleuth).

On 9/7/2017 at 6:27 PM, Seguleh said:


i would like to know what Ships your groups have, why they have exactly this (the GM gave it, they picked it) etc.

Also, what ship would you like to have?

Our group has a YT-1760 Small Transport , which is awesome because it is very fast, both sublight and hyperspace. But our group is quite large, so i sometimes feel that we could have a bigger ship. I thought about a CSS-1 Corellian Star Shuttle , the downside here would be that we would have to spend 2 hardpoints for weapons, but that and aiming computer and maybe a better turbine for speed +1 would give quite a nice ship, with eneough space to give every crewmember his own room etc

I also dream of a modified corvette or similar for deepspace exploration, but since i do not assume we get 3 million credits...

It seems you are focused entirely on the mechanical aspects of choosing a ship. It strikes me as odd in that (for this game system) you should be focused on the story and aesthetics first; not how many hp a ship has.

To answer your query though, our squad has a Gozanti-class light carrier. It can dock a couple fighters and has room for us to work and plan our missions.


Sorry but you take a ship and make history, so how should you consider this for choosing one? That strikes me odd.

And aesthetics are so individual, i know as many people who hate the slave one as who love it.

I run an AoR campaign in which my players conduct their covert operations from aboard a G-9 Rigger. A colony of Patitites that they ferried around for a while have left a growth of plants strewn about the ship (giving a boost die to all Resilience checks made by the crew). It has been upgraded with three light laser cannons, a concussion missile tube, reinforced shields, night shadow coating, and whisperthrust engines. They christened the ship the * ell Diver .

Another GM and I switch back and forth running an EotE campaign in which there are two ships (his character owns one in my game while my character's rebel friends have gifted our group a ship in his). The Rueful Dewback is an as-yet unmodified YG-4210 that is prone to frequent breakdowns and mishaps. The Corulus is a YT-1760 with laser and blaster turrets, twin ion cannons, a droid gunner brain, a med station, and a mechanics workshop.

Edited by O the Owl

My players started their game bound together in the brig of a modified HWK-2000 ship, captured by pirates. Their first session was dedicated to breaking free and working their way through the ship, taking out the pirate goons and their captain before claiming the ship for themselves. They ended up trading off the unconscious captain to a bounty hunter, leaving his fate ambiguous, so I might bring him back one day if it seems plot appropriate.

It was originally called the Sunrunner and had a lot of infamy around the Outer Rim, but the players have since renamed it the Lynch Mob and made a lot of their own modifications. I think tying the first session into acquiring their ship gave them a lot more attachment to it than they otherwise would have. It's a pretty nice starter ship, doesn't leave much room to upgrade to anything better, but there's enough narrative drawbacks in piloting around an infamous pirate ship that I think it balances out. They've since repainted it, changed BOSS codes, etc, but HWK-1000s are rare enough that they're always going to attract a little suspicion.

Edited by Tom Cruise

In one campaign where my pc group is high up in a smuggling ring. They fly a heavily modded Interceptor IV Frigate . The mods are below and my character also has the talents from Ace: Rigger and Tech: Modder that upgrade ships. The thing is a beast

Name Cost Hard Points Base Modifiers and Modifications
Secondary Transponder 22000 1 4 False Identities for the Ship. Maneuver to Swtich Transponders.
- Daunting Computers check to find secondary transponder when scanning.
Pseudo Cloaking Device 13000 1 Increase Difficulty 2 times to dectect with scanner.
- Upgrade the difficulty of and add ⬛⬛ to Combat Checks against ship at short range or further
High Output Ion Turbine 5300 1 Increase max speed by one. decrease system strain by one.
Amphibious Modification 5000 1 Can operate underwater without penalties
Night Shadow Cloaking 4000 1 Reduces range band of passive sensors by 1. Reduce Ship silhouette by 1 in combat
Cloaked Smuggling Compartments 3200 1 3 25 encumberence compartments. Increase difficulty for checks to find by 3
Smuggling Compartments 2200 1 3 25 encumberence compartments. Increase difficulty for checks to find by 2
Astrogation Droid Brain 8500 0 Can perform astrogation checks with 4 ranks in astrogation and 0 intellect.
Gunnery Droid Brain 8000 0 Can perform gunnery checks with 4 ranks in gunnery and 0 agi. Only has 1 action per turn
Autopilot Droid Brain 7000 0 Can perform piloting checks with 4 ranks in piloting and 0 agi. Can be summoned with a beckon call
Decoy Buoy 6000 0 Jettison as an action. Appears as a ship to sensors. Can also send distress signals or other data
- Hard Computers check with ⬛⬛ to identify the buoy as not a ship
- can be programmed with a specific transponder signal with a hard computers check
Security Measures 3500 0 Upgrade difficutly of and add ⬛⬛ to computer and skulduggery checks to gain unauthorized access
Encrypted Computer 2000 0

Upgrade difficutly of and add ⬛⬛ to computer checks made to slice the computer system.