The Starship of Your Group

By Seguleh, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG


i would like to know what Ships your groups have, why they have exactly this (the GM gave it, they picked it) etc.

Also, what ship would you like to have?

Our group has a YT-1760 Small Transport , which is awesome because it is very fast, both sublight and hyperspace. But our group is quite large, so i sometimes feel that we could have a bigger ship. I thought about a CSS-1 Corellian Star Shuttle , the downside here would be that we would have to spend 2 hardpoints for weapons, but that and aiming computer and maybe a better turbine for speed +1 would give quite a nice ship, with eneough space to give every crewmember his own room etc

I also dream of a modified corvette or similar for deepspace exploration, but since i do not assume we get 3 million credits...

We're still in the "first" session of our PbP mixed party "Starting" and "Master" level" campaign, and still assembling the party in game, however, the main ship for the group, is owned by my Master level character. It's a heavily modified CEC YZ-900, the Jedi Star . It will function as the primary "party resource", and is built as a mobile Jedi training facility.

My group of misfits chose to heavily mod a HWK-290, threw countermeasures, better engines, faster hyperdrive to be able to outrun pretty much everything out there.

Currently, in our Edge campaign, we have a smaller civilian (GM custom) version of the Gozanti Armed Transport (and an ISB vessel we plan to sell to the Rebellion). It's got a few mods. The GM basically decided it as starting ship, though we've had a few opportunities to swap it for other models, we haven't yet taken them.

We may well have to get a new one soon as we might have just gained some reputation we don't want. Jumped into the aftermath of an Empire vs Rebels encounter, all other ships crippled, but Empire still had a gravity well running so we couldn't just jump on. So we boarded the Empire vessel, made friends with some of the crew, offered to fix their gravity well generator (as it was stuck on, so they couldn't get away either), then in the middle of all that an Inquisitor took a dislike to us (and we blew his saber arm off in the ensuing firefight). We helped some escape pods get back, helped get a couple of other ships out of there for a good price, but we figure the Empire will have decided we are rebels at this point.

Hoping Fully Operational comes out soon!

My crew have a modified Loronar e-9... modified in the sense that it's falling apart. It has some extra cargo space and smuggler compartments at the expense of some structural integrity and a crappy slow hyperdrive that fails more often than It works. It was the first thing that was spaceworthy they were able to grab when they escaped from a prison planet and while they've fixed it up they're always looking for a "trade-in"

I gave my group of players an old Dynamic Class Light Freighter called The Echo Rising! I thought they may choose to swap it / trade her in but they quickly grew really attached to her & she's got them out of quite a few deadly scrapes!

My Players have since spent a lot of credits improving her & have upped the speed & improved the hyperdrive but she has her quirks, like power to the Quad Lasers overloading at the most inappropriate times... Still, it keeps the mechanic busy in combat... Muahahahahaha :D

Edited by AceSolo5
Autocorrect nightmare

My lot have an AR-37 Paragon class. When I ran them through "Escape from Mos Shuuta", I made the Krayt Fang an AR-37 instead of a YT-1300 (mainly because we had all fallen in love with the deckplans I'd bought :) ). Also, the interior was larger, with two decks and lots of hiding spots, which made it a fun hide-and-seek battle with Trex, the original owner (I made him a slaver instead of a bounty hunter, since one of the characters was an ex-slave and had good reason to despise him). Since then, they've installed a secondary transponder and rechristened the ship Renegade .


Edited by Daronil






The C-ROC has a combat refi with heavily enhanced armor, 4 light twin-turbolasers, enhanced hyperdrive and a retro-fitted hangar, the two fighters are using stealth to scout ahead, the A-Wings medium sensor range makes it especially useful for that task.

Overall the package allows for some heavy combat action, which is exactly what this Alliance Unit usually gets. The cargo space helps tremendously with the second most common task. Transport duties and blockage breaking. For that reason the maneuvering thrusters are tuned to the max, the vacuum seals are fortified and the frame is reinforced. So, it really takes more than just a lucky hit to stop this little cruiser.

my group Is Just about to start a New Campaign, Where they are fighter Pilots for a Bounty Hunter Guild. The Guild is Ship recovery specialists so each Character is getting a y wing with npc second crewman. They are being based of a Marauder Corvette, That was taken from some pirates. (Mask of the Pirate Queen)

My crew got a Ghtroc 720 light freighter . Not sure what he discussed with our Droid pilot player who was built specifically to fly it, but it has a colorful history we haven't completely unravelled. It's been modified to have much heavier armor than normal at the sacrifice of speed. The GM recently mentioned it was his favorite Star Wars ship, though I don't know the reasons. It was apparently designed to be a blockade runner that just takes the punishment, rather than out-maneuver the enemy, though it came with a decoy buoy launcher.

The GM got worried about a party wipe when we weren't able to outrun the Carrion Spike, thanks to a TIE's lucky shot to our engines (we then got very lucky ourselves, thanks in part to Destiny points and those decoy buoys). I'm going to be taking over as GM after the original's campaign, and I'm going to encourage the party to shed some of the armor or at least upgrade the engine to compensate.

Right now they've got a Yt-1300 (the Toyota Corolla of freighters), though they had a Loronar Skyblind prior to our conversion from D6.

First game: We used a YT-1300 named the Icarus, I ended up taking Kaa'to's Z-95 fighter from Shadows of a Black Sun....

A second game, we ended up with a ship we decided was a HWK-290 from running Debt's to Pay from the core book I believe. So my smuggler ended up with a free ship lol not a bad deal.

Group I'm GM'ing I gave them a modified YG-4210, they don't know to what extent it's modified yet as they are just working for the owner for now.

Our group flies around in a battered Ghtroc 720 called Rampike. This poor ship as been slammed into obstacles more times than I can count and has a disturbing tendency to have its main (and only) gun disabled or just plain ripped off. At one point this forced us to resort to ramming tactics to get a few TIEs off our back. Recently, our friendly NPC luxury droid struck a deal with some jawas to make repairs and convinced them to also throw in the last upgrade we need: extra armor. So while our dear ship is now nigh indestructible (armor 6), it also has the agility of a pregnant cow. At least we've installed some fuzzy chance cubes to compensate.

At one point we also acquired an unattended ISP-6 shuttle pod that everyone seems to find adorable and/or regard as a joke.

Our group has the YT-2400 Light Freighter. We got it in our first session escaping from Ciper (we were all initially captured by the empire cause we force sensitive). It currently has no modifications as we are only about 8 sessions in. After talking to our GM (outside the game) he said we had the opportunity to get other ships if we had escaped another way. So therefore, i guess we chose it but this was the obvious choice. So I guess you could argue it was given by the GM (which we have no problem with as it is a great looking and feeling ship).

To be honest, for me, the ship doesn't really matter... I call any ship home if me group is on it ;) However the Wookie pilot in our group wants to find his old ship he used to have before being enslaved by the empire (this making for interesting stories in the future)

Edited by arlo di'lya
On 08/09/2017 at 8:34 AM, AceSolo5 said:

I gave my group of players an old Dynamic Class Light Freighter called The Echo Rising! I thought they may choose to swap it / trade her in but they quickly grew really attached to her &

Hello, could you please give us the basic stats for the Dynamic freighter? As there is no official stats yet


On 9/8/2017 at 4:01 AM, Daronil said:

My lot have an AR-37 Paragon class. When I ran them through "Escape from Mos Shuuta", I made the Krayt Fang an AR-37 instead of a YT-1300 (mainly because we had all fallen in love with the deckplans I'd bought :) ). Also, the interior was larger, with two decks and lots of hiding spots, which made it a fun hide-and-seek battle with Trex, the original owner (I made him a slaver instead of a bounty hunter, since one of the characters was an ex-slave and had good reason to despise him). Since then, they've installed a secondary transponder and rechristened the ship Renegade .


Where can I get stats for the Paragon-class ship? I have to admit from the Google Images I looked up it is a cool looking ship.

23 minutes ago, ThreeBFour said:

Where can I get stats for the Paragon-class ship? I have to admit from the Google Images I looked up it is a cool looking ship.

I'm not sure where I got them from - I think it was posted on these forums by someone, but I can't for the life of me think of who it was. Anyway, I've put them into OggDude's record keeper - here's the output of the stock ship; I hope it's useful for you! :)

Paragon class.PNG

Wow a sil 4 ship? Very strange as it is bigger than the Wayfarer, wich is sil 5. But that's probably a home made ship

I'm the GM, and I helped my group pick out a ship. They have very discriminating tastes in Star Wars ships they like, so it took a lot of searching to find one both aesthetically pleasing enough and unique enough for them. In the end, I gave my group a YV-929, which is way too powerful of a ship to be a normal starting ship, but I made it have a lot of things wrong with it (I made the cannons slow-firing and innacurate, for example). The ship's computer is sentient, and as an NPC is a great way to introduce various Deus Ex Machina into the storyline. The pilot in our group wanted a small fighter that could fit in a hangar bay retrofitted into the ship, so that had to be a silhouette 2 ship (since the YV-929 is only silhouette 4). The pilot picked a T-47 landspeeder modified for space flight.



Now the weird part: all of our ship battles will be moved to an X-Wing based system! There's too many custom rules to go over here, but the coolest part was that I went and bought some of MelMiniatures' models for the two ships off of shapeways! So once those get here (I'm still waiting for the extremely marginal USPS to deliver them), I'll have to paint those!

Edited by Kieransi
11 hours ago, Rosco74 said:

Hello, could you please give us the basic stats for the Dynamic freighter? As there is no official stats yet


Here you go.

The Wayfarer-Class Medium Freighter is a realy nice ship, looks fancy and has great stats, except the handling maybe. A second gun, aiming computer, and one or two other improvements and you have quite a battle beast.

So most of you guys stick with freighters, does someone have/had a corvette or smth?

Edited by Seguleh
1 hour ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Thanks Tramp Graphics

20 minutes ago, Rosco74 said:

Thanks Tramp Graphics

You can find it and more ships Here.

Edited by Tramp Graphics
2 hours ago, Seguleh said:

So most of you guys stick with freighters, does someone have/had a corvette or smth?

Not yet, but while the R-ROC is still technically a freighter, it's basically a 75m long cruiser, and ours is better armed than a CR90 or a Raider Corvette, so we are already close, which includes a larger NPC crew and command structure as well. It classified as capital ship by FFG too.

9 hours ago, Rosco74 said:

Wow a sil 4 ship? Very strange as it is bigger than the Wayfarer, wich is sil 5. But that's probably a home made ship

Actually, at 32m long, it's only about half the size of the Wayfarer . The Wayfarer , even without its cargo pod, is about 42m in length. With the cargo pod included, it's around 62m long.