Coming back to Descent after a break

By Paul Grogan, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi all, I played a couple of games of Descent:JitD and then took the plunge into Road to Legend.
After 2 campaigns filled with inbalance and numerous house rules, I've decided that it really isnt worth the effort (and multiple game sessions) on a big campaign. So, I want to go back to simply playing normal descent.

I have JiTD, WoD, AoD and ToI.

Now, my query has always been about the actual balance of the scenarios. From what I hear, JitD was ok with 3 heroes, too easy with 4, and too hard with 2. The introduction of treachery however was a boost for the OL, and the heroes didnt get much to offset that.

So - are the quests in JitD now ok with 4 heroes and treachery?

Then onto AoD - are the quests in this ok?
WoD - same question.

I vaguely remember a lot of posts of one of the expansions having ludicrously difficult quests in it that the heroes could only win if they got lucky on dice rolls, and this seems like a pointless waste of time without rebalancing.

And finally, ToI. Should I use feat cards now as standard? Do they make the JitD quests too easy? Do they make the ones in WoD now about right?

If quests are too hard, is it just a simple case of removing a monster here, adding an extra chest there?

Thanks all,


People seem to be divided on whether they think JitD quests generally work better with 3 or 4 heroes. I don't think anyone recommends less than 4 for WoD or AoD.

There's some fairly in-depth review of quest difficulty for JitD and WoD quests here and here , respectively. I believe WoD is generally considered to have the hardest quests.

I found the first ToI quest to be a cakewalk with 3 heroes, while when I overlorded ToI quest 2 against 3 heroes, they were slaughtered, though there were some extenuating circumstances (most notably a Charge card right at the beginning of the game that allowed a named giant the heroes were fleeing to catch up and kill two of them with one attack).

If you want to know what I personally think should be done about balancing Descent, take a look at this . As a side bonus, you'd get to use monsters/props/effects from all your expansions at once.