Extended game board / galaxy map

By Pappkristof, in Star Wars: Rebellion

Hi guys!

Can you imagine that in a future expansion ffg will release map extension to the game? Possibly the other half of the galaxy.

I know it would mean more possible systems for the rebels for their base but the Empire could get more turns to find it.

Including systems like Lothal, Scarif and Jedha would make the game even more thematic.

It definitely seems like a possibility.

A LOT of things would need to change if they added more systems.

The number of leaders would need to be increased. Without doing that, the rebels could easily just keep moving to new areas with the Imps unable to stop them.

The number of turns would need to be increased also. These two factors would increase the game length by more than 2x due to a longer game and longer turns.

The number of pieces each side has would need to be increased. The Imps can be strained now trying to control and defend a large number of systems.

You would also need a TON of balance testing. Is it considerably easier to complete objectives now? Does the increase in systems make run away victories more likely? Does it affect the unequal footing of the Rebels by giving them the ability to actually build up a military force to rival that of the Imps?

I find it to be fairly unlikely.

I agree that simply adding more systems/regions seems unlikely. The rounds/units/leaders/balance are all designed for the existing 32-system layout.

But i could certainly see an expansion that replaces some systems/regions with different ones. This could be done to modify locations (Lothal for Rebels, Jakku for the ST, etc), to change resources (swap out double triangle for triangle+circle, etc), or both.

If they went that route, I think a cardboard overlay for the affected region(s) would be the most likely approach. Easy to add, and keeps it modular.

From a lore perspective there really can't be a board expansion. The unknown regions (the only part of the map doesn't cover) weren't really important to the Galactic Civil War. Illum and Endor are already on the map. The only argument I could see made would be for Jakku and Csilla. But more for the theoretical influence they could have instead of actual influence.