First as a new forum member i will introduce me and my gaming experience...
Im an old rpg addict and currently playing games of Star Wars Saga and D&D, call of Cthulu. Played Vampire/werewolf in the past but dont really like this game setting.
Im an avid fan of Darker Game Tone as a GM which makes my game always more realistic and survival heroism is a common theme. My fantasy game are brutal and im quite happy with D&D 4e and the different setting released each year right now for fantasy. Would like a system less grid/mini-based but i like the oldschool openess for RP of this game even if those class power may be sometime over restrictive.
Ok for Science-Fiction...
Im currently playing SW saga and with the ending of the line which was absolutely a great system for a space opera and one i will play for years (dont plan to buy any new SW system after, this one is just perfect), im looking for a new gaming system to support.
Im looking for a really darker horror/ post-apocalyptic system and warhammer 40 000 brought my attention. It looks like it is a really interesting setting who can suppost galactic campaign as well as a more local story.
With that in mind i would like the feedback of the community about the Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader and Deathwatch game setup.
Whats the pro and con of those system? Is the system really supporting a darker game setting? I heard about mutilation, easy death and insanity... how is this system integrated with action? Im really looking for an horror survival type since SW saga do really support my space opera heroic action theme.
Finally, i heard about how the three are different tiered and themed game with the same system. Are they really compatible? Can i mix class of both 3 in a single game, like running an inquisitor in a ship with a trader? For me thats something really important. Whats the best supplement for Dark Heresy already out if i only consider buying 1 or 2???
Thx for your feedback, im listening