Familiar Faces We Hope to See

By Kiseki, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

So I went through and tried to make a list of characters that would be great to have return in the new continuity. I tried to get a balance of heroes and heels, and avoided anyone who was a Thunder or Champion (at any point). I've also tried to spread the love among the families (Phoenix I struggled with). Here is what I came up with:


  • Doji Shizue
  • Kakita Toshimoko
  • Daidoji Uji


  • Hida Amoro
  • Kuni Yori
  • Yasuki Taka


  • Togashi Mitsu
  • Hitomi Kokujin (likely renamed)
  • Agasha Tamori


  • Matsu Agetoki
  • Kitsu Okura
  • Akodo Kage


  • Isawa Tadaka
  • Isawa Tsuke
  • Isawa Norikazu


  • Bayushi Aramoro
  • Yogo Junzo
  • Bayushi Tangen


  • Shinjo Yasamura
  • Iuchi Karasu
  • Iuchi Shahai
  • (honorable mention: Moto Tsume)

Edited by Kiseki

I wouldn't say this on reddit where I'd get downvoted, but here, I'll just put this out here:

I'd rather them strike out with new fiction. I know lore is big for the people coming from the CCG, but as someone who never played, I'd rather they free themselves from all the baggage. Or re-imagine preexisting characters. I don't want to have to dive in to a bunch of old lore to "really" understand cards in the LCG.

Edited by CitizenKeen

It'd be a while off if they want to keep characters to their respective time periods, but here are a couple of mine:

Utaku Kohana

Moto Chagatai

Seppun Tashime

If you check here:

you'll see that many of the people you mentioned are already.

In the spirit of continuing the thread, though, I'd really like to see Kakita Noritoki, who was the Emerald Magistrate in Ryoko Owari at this time in the old continuity. I feel that we might, because Hyobu's been mentioned!

Kokujin, a cool concept for a crazy villain that legit became the perfect heel for the Dragon. Plus the Dark Lotus was never explored to its full potential.

Yajinden, almost everything that happened in the old game can be laid at this guy's feet when he forged Ambition. He was among the most powerful villains to exist and knew when to step into the lime light and when to back off.

Shadow Dragon, the ICONIC example of play impacting story. He was always delightful when he waltzed into the setting, royally wreaked things, then laughed at the carnage as he WANTS to be known and acknowledged. The Lying darkness might be ret-coned in the new story but I hope to see the best dragon show his face again.

Really hoping Ginawa gets rebooted.

Kakita Yoshi. I love politics. He could also help us with honor running.

This is decidedly not "my" era (thankfully, I'm getting a chance to appreciate this take on the setting, but I have zero Clan War nostalgia to inform suggestions).

But for a quasi/former-Phoenix, Dairya would be neat to see.

No surprise you struggled with the Phoenix, since most of the memorable characters the Phoenix get to trot out have been a Thunder, Champions, Champion Stand-In Shiba Aikune, and Elemental Masters- I note that you listed the Phoenix Thunder, despite your own stated criteria- we very seldom got engaging low-level Phoenix characters who lasted more than a week. I liked Isawa Misuhiko's story (from waaaaaaaaay later in the timeline than we are now), but that story has been told. Isawa Kyoko might have gotten some traction had she not basically vanished after the War of Dark Fire, then turned up in time to be a chump in Fu Leng's "Thunders." Most Shiba we met were dead inside of the span of a fiction- or they never said anything. The Agasha basically vanished shortly after defecting, and the Asako... yeah.

Hopefully we'll do better this time. I know that there were plans to give us some more ground-level, Shiba-based Phoenix perspectives in the old story team, in part due to the Phoenix being able to consistently complain about the same shortcoming, so I have hope.

Edited by Shiba Gunichi
11 minutes ago, Shiba Gunichi said:

This is decidedly not "my" era (thankfully, I'm getting a chance to appreciate this take on the setting, but I have zero Clan War nostalgia to inform suggestions).

But for a quasi/former-Phoenix, Dairya would be neat to see.

No surprise you struggled with the Phoenix, since most of the memorable characters the Phoenix get to trot out have been a Thunder, Champions, Champion Stand-In Shiba Aikune, and Elemental Masters- I note that you listed the Phoenix Thunder, despite your own stated criteria- we very seldom got engaging low-level Phoenix characters who lasted more than a week. I liked Isawa Misuhiko's story (from waaaaaaaaay later in the timeline than we are now), but that story has been told. Isawa Kyoko might have gotten some traction had she not basically vanished after the War of Dark Fire, then turned up in time to be a chump in Fu Leng's "Thunders." Most Shiba we met were dead inside of the span of a fiction- or they never said anything. The Agasha basically vanished shortly after defecting, and the Asako... yeah.

Hopefully we'll do better this time. I know that there were plans to give us some more ground-level, Shiba-based Phoenix perspectives in the old story team, in part due to the Phoenix being able to consistently complain about the same shortcoming, so I have hope.

Oh, Dairya would be fun indeed.

What's funny is that I originally cut the Thunders and future champs, but then I realized that most of the lists basically had that as an auto-include. And when I went back through the list I missed Tadaka.

2 hours ago, CitizenKeen said:

I wouldn't say this on reddit where I'd get downvoted, but here, I'll just put this out here:

I'd rather them strike out with new fiction. I know lore is big for the people coming from the CCG, but as someone who never played, I'd rather they free themselves from all the baggage. Or re-imagine preexisting characters. I don't want to have to dive in to a bunch of old lore to "really" understand cards in the LCG.

That's fair. FFG has shown they are willing to take both approaches - re-imagining characters that didn't fit with their new vision, and bringing back plenty of fan favorites. I'm happy with that mixture. So far there is a pretty healthy mix of people coming in for the first time (typically another LCG) and those coming from the CCG. I've run a lot of demos with people who lead by telling me that they played in XYZ Edition and can't want to come back. It's a fine line to walk, but I can't wait to see new stories unfold with some of these familiar names.

Edited by Kiseki
7 minutes ago, Kiseki said:

That's fair. FFG has shown they are willing to take both approaches - re-imagining characters that didn't fit with their new vision, and bringing back plenty of fan favorites. I'm happy with that mixture. So far there is a pretty healthy mix of people coming in for the first time (typically another LCG) and those coming from the CCG. I've run a lot of demos with people who lead by telling me that they played in XYZ Edition and can't want to come back. It's a fine line to walk, but I can't wait to see new stories unfold with some of these familiar names.

Yeah. I'm hoping it plays out like the original intent of the Ultimate Marvelverse. Nick Fury is black, the X-Men are teenagers, Hydra started in the United States, Red Skull is Captain America's son, Mr. Fantastic is evil. You don't really need to know the original Marvelverse to appreciate the Ultimate verse, but you get lots of kicks out of it if you do.

5 minutes ago, CitizenKeen said:

Yeah. I'm hoping it plays out like the original intent of the Ultimate Marvelverse. Nick Fury is black, the X-Men are teenagers, Hydra started in the United States, Red Skull is Captain America's son, Mr. Fantastic is evil. You don't really need to know the original Marvelverse to appreciate the Ultimate verse, but you get lots of kicks out of it if you do.

That's almost exactly what I'm hoping for too. :D

I strongly suspect that Togashi Kazue will be the 'new Kokujin'.

In the Dragon story it's stated that she has a powerful, dangerous and disturbing ability: She can influence people's minds, possibly all the way to straight-up 'mind control' in some cases.

Also, I wouldn't be at all surprised if she is in some way behind the Perfect Land Sect heretics.

13 minutes ago, Togashi Gao Shan said:

I strongly suspect that Togashi Kazue will be the 'new Kokujin'.

In the Dragon story it's stated that she has a powerful, dangerous and disturbing ability: She can influence people's minds, possibly all the way to straight-up 'mind control' in some cases.

Also, I wouldn't be at all surprised if she is in some way behind the Perfect Land Sect heretics.

Oh, I like this theory!

3 hours ago, Ishi Tonu said:

Really hoping Ginawa gets rebooted.

Along with his partner Matsu Hiroru.

4 hours ago, Kiseki said:
  • Kitsu Okura
  • Akodo Kage

I would also like to see a non-Kolat Akodo Kage. Matsu Gohei who doesn't end up dying in the Burning Sands. Toku everybody's favorite overachieving Ronin.

4 hours ago, Ide Yoshiya said:

Moto Chagatai

Moto Gaheris over Chagatai.

I love Bayushi Shoju. It's already a dream come true that he's back, and it doesn't look like he's gonna die in the first story arc this time lol.

The next face in line I want to see is Shosuro. She's my #1 fav from Bayushi Kami stories. My forum handle is named in her tribute. I don't know if she would make a come back this time the way she did before... Who knows what direction the stories will take. Even if she isn't given a card I hope she's mentioned in new fiction.

6 hours ago, Kiseki said:
  • Doji Uji

Daidoji Uji. The Daidiji are the saboteurs of the Crane.

For myself I hope to see the mighty mighty Toku some back. I liked his story a lot. Yasuki Taka was always a favorite. With or without the Kolat, I'm indifferent there.

1 minute ago, DarwinsDog said:

Daidoji Uji. The Daidiji are the saboteurs of the Crane.

For myself I hope to see the mighty mighty Toku some back. I liked his story a lot. Yasuki Taka was always a favorite. With or without the Kolat, I'm indifferent there.

Doh. Yeah, in my head I had his family right, but wrote it wrong.

For dragon I'd rather see Daini and Hitomi, but yeah I agree on Mitsu

40 minutes ago, Taki said:

For dragon I'd rather see Daini and Hitomi, but yeah I agree on Mitsu

I had left off Hitomi because of her Thunder status, but yes, Daini was about number 4 or 5 on my list for Dragon.

I also wouldn't mind an Oishi/Chikara reboot either. The blatant "Lone Wolf and Cub" rip offs were still really cool.

I really like the rONIn of Rokugan...... Bet you can't guess why. ;)


Kitsune Ryosei! In a bizarre twist, she starts the minor clan alliance and Yoritomo opts out of it, preferring to spend all his time messing about in boats.

I believe Toshimoko-sensei has already been mentioned so three cheers for the Grey Crane!

3 hours ago, Ishi Tonu said:

I really like the rONIn of Rokugan...... Bet you can't guess why. ;)

Because you've yet to acquire a copy of the game and learn how atrociously useless they are to play with? ;) ;)